December 3rd, 2020 | Updated on June 24th, 2022
501 Awesome Romantic Quotes For Love Birds
Romance is about getting closer and strengthening your bond with your partner. Romance should always be a vital part of your relationship.
If you are in a romantic relationship with somebody, you don’t have to always ‘perform’. Even if you have to ‘perform’ occasionally, it needs not to be great all the time. All you need to do in a romantic relationship, is to be fully engaged and be constant.
There are no secrets to romance. Most of us know how to get the ball rolling. You should never try to be perfect in romance. Make it look like a normal part of your lives. Romance keeps your relationship exciting and meaningful. One simple romantic gesture is enough to make your partner feel desired and loved, bringing your partner closer to you.
Being more romantic means you know each other better. This comprehensive compendium of 501 romantic quotes,
handpicked from various sources by our editorial team at, will help you express your true feelings and thoughts to your partner.
We have selected some of the best romantic quotes from books, films, and many other sources. These quotes will help you find the courage to open your heart and tell someone you love them. You can also use many of these quotes as a cute text to send to your partner on a special occasion.