March 23rd, 2019 | Updated on November 11th, 2024
If your relationship with your life partner is presently going through tough period and you are seriously considering of discontinuing it, then it is obviously very tough decision for you to make.
You should be presently looking at all possible ways in which you could save this relationship. In this article, we will provide you some advice on this topic.
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1. When You Think About Quitting, Think Why You Started?
This is classic iconic sports quote that is equally relevant in context with relationships as well. Whenever you think about discontinuing relationship with your life partner, you first need to calm yourself down and think about what actually is going wrong with it? It is quite obvious that you started this relationship because you wanted to and you selected your life partner because you thought that he or she would be able to meet all or at least, most of the expectations that you have with your life.
There is no doubt that you have witnessed and shared a lot of good and bad moments together. Now that you are presently thinking about quitting this relationship, you should obviously have good reason/s for it.
But if you are still undecided about if you should actually with a relationship, then it is quite obvious that you still value this relationship and you trying to save it in every possible way.
So simply sit down and think about the good and bad time that you have shared with your life partner and then seriously think that if you really want to quit the relationship?
If you analyze this situation calmly then you might be able to find one or more point of views that were unforeseen till now and because of one reason or the other. If there is a way that you can resolve this dispute by mutual understanding then try to do that.
After all, you have been successfully able to survive the relationship with help of mutual understanding this far and there is no reason why you cannot do it once again! So, just sit and calm down, rethink about every aspect once again and then take your final decision.
2. Dealing With Bad Habits Of Your Partner…
If your relationship is suffering due to one or more habit of your partner that you find unacceptable, then you need to think further on this topic. To get started, just list down the habits of your partner, which you find unacceptable.
Just make sure that your list is not too long..! You just need to note down those reasons that are actually seriously affecting your relationship.
Once you have listed town trying to reason with it. If you can find a way out of it, then that would be great.
If you can’t, then you can also take advice from your family members and/or close friends and they might be able to share their experience with you and advice you suitable in this matter. After considering all the points, you can take your final decision.
3. Dealing With Unfaithfulness
Being Unfaithful is one of the most common reasons why a relationship comes to an end. It is obvious that all of us expect our life partner to be faithful.
At the same time, we also need to understand that we all make mistakes and it is quite possible for your life partner committing one as well.
Although, it would be very difficult for you to accept it, but still if you want to save your relationship, you need to think seriously about it.
The thing that you need to consider is what is the main reason of your life partner being unfaithful?
Try to consider his point of view or her point of you on this subject; it would not be possible to find out an agreement without mutual understanding.
So, just sit down with your partner and discuss this topic as openly as possible. Try to figure out the reason behind your partner being unfaithful.
It is every important here that you dare yourself to face, witness and finally accept the facts as they are. If you are rational, reasonable and honest while discussing and analyzing the situation, it might be possible that you would be able to find a solution out of this problem through mutual understanding and then, you would be able to get your relationship back on track.
4. Take A Break And Give Yourself Some Space.
At times, every relationship requires a break. If you are not in talking terms with your partner but you are still thinking about it and yet, you are undecided about whether you should quit this relationship, it is quite obvious that you still value this relationship and you would like to save it if possible.
In order to do that, you have to make some sincere efforts. First of all, if you are presently not in talking terms with your partner, then try to find out a way in which you can get things started again.
Give him/her a call or message and fix a place for meeting. Start everything fresh, just like you first met…! Try to avoid disputes during the conversation.
You should be well aware about things that interest you as well as your partner – try to find the common things of interest and focus your own conversation around those topics… Also do remember the good as well as the bad times, which you have seen, faced and survived together and that will surely help in broadening your vision and that will give you courage and motivation that would be helpful for rebuilding your relationship with your life partner…. !