January 18th, 2018 | Updated on January 12th, 2021
Valentine’s Day has become a totally over commercialised mess — but it’s still the perfect opportunity to let little romantic gestures shine. And who couldn’t use a chance to celebrate love in their life a little more?
Some might dream of a large bouquet of roses, and others might picture a beautiful candlelit dinner to boots your romance. While each of those options are incredibly kind gestures of love, it does not have to be so planned, or expensive. Here are fourteen simple yet lovely ways to express your feelings to the one who matters most.
1. Plan a surprise outing
Start with dinner at your partner’s favorite restaurant, then reveal tickets to a show or sports game.
2. Have a romantic photo session
Have a romantic/sexy photo session done together or have sexy pictures taken of yourself and make a private album for your partner.
3. Have a talk about the future
Have a talk about the future and let him/her know that he/she is a part of it (even if you’re married, this is a nice reminder).
4. Explore your adventurous sides together
Do something daring that neither of you have tried before, such as bungee jumping or skydiving. The experience will bring you closer.
5. Dressed in your favorite sexy lingerie
When your significant other gets home, be waiting in the bedroom dressed in your favorite sexy lingerie (or nothing at all!). Should we tell you what will happen next.
6. Recreate your first date
Recreate your first date then recall all the feelings you had for each other that very first night. Invite your loved one to relive the date that started them all! Perfect for the Valentine’s Day.!
7. Have a romantic/sexy photo session
Have a romantic/sexy photo session done together or have sexy pictures taken of yourself and make a private album for your partner. You can use your living room from some interesting shots. It is the best way to display your interests and hobbies.
8. Buy his/her favorite perfume or cologne
This Valentine’s Day, instead of surprising each other with gifts that the other person may not even like that much, why not get a couple’s fragrance together?
9. Scatter rose petals on the bed
A little box of rose petals will change an ordinary night in the bedroom into an extraordinary one. Did you know that real rose petals can be purchased from your local flower shop?
10. Tell his/her family
Tell his/her family how smart you think he/she is during conversation. Reminding your partner you’re on their side is essential.
11. Write your Valentine a note
Write your Valentine a note about the small yet perfect aspects of their personality that make them so special to you. Record all of the things that they do daily to make you smile. Discuss how they have molded you to be better in all aspects of your life. Last but not least, write about how you are slowly falling in love with every part of their being.
12. Do not initiate small talk
That is never really acceptable, but especially not on Valentine’s Day. You certainly do not have to play 20 Questions with your special someone, but take the time to share in a meaningful conversation. Ask your Valentine deep, meaningful questions. Make it your personal goal to learn one thing about your loved one that you did not previously know before.
13. Leave a little note
Leave a little note in his/her briefcase or laptop bag so they will find it when they get to work.
14. Don’t be afraid to express how you truly feel.
Overcome that little voice in your head slowly trying to talk you out of it. Follow your heart and listen to your gut. They never lie.
15. Take him/her to an art gallery
For many people, it may seem nearly impossible to find the perfect place to meet their loved ones. How is it that in a world so big, anyone has trouble finding a date? That’s because they’ve never been to an art gallery.
16. Compliment your sweetheart.
Of course you can always let your girl know that her dress is stunning, and your boyfriend deserves an acknowledgement of his hair, but make sure your compliments extend past physical characteristics. Remind your Valentine that they are strong. Make sure they know what a beautiful mind they have. Physical compliments are always reassuring, but intellectual compliments―those truly strike the soul.
17. Create a playlist of some rad songs
Create a playlist of some rad songs you and your Valentine love most. Fun music is always perfect, but especially when you’re nervous. Just make sure you include gangsta rap. You cannot forget about the gansta rap.
18. Let them lead
Do you end up getting your way more often than not. Let your loved one lead for the day. Commit to doing anything they want, within reason and cost budgets, and enjoy the moment.
19. Gift your attention
Do your loved ones always find you working, on the phone, or engaged in a solo hobby. Do you ignore your loved ones? Make this Valentine’s Day just about them—including those basics such as eye contact, active listening, and getting rid of distractions.
20. Small and appropriate public displays of affection
Small and appropriate public displays of affection are always acceptable. A few examples might include holding hands, sharing your jacket when you’re cold, and sharing a milkshake with two straws.
21. Wear your Sunday best
Wear your Sunday best. Of course you aren’t going to the Prom, and more than likely you will not be getting married, so fancy-schmancy outerwear will not be necessary. However, invest a few ounces of extra effort into your appearance in all aspects. Your Valentine will smile knowing you found them worth preparing for.
22. Have a pre-Valentine’s Day coffee date with your sweetheart.
Make sure that your friends and your cell phone are not sitting in on your time together. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up with one another and create a flawless February 14th itinerary.
23. Take them out to dinner.
Restaurants on Valentine’s Day will be crowded at most places so plan ahead of time and make reservations. A restaurant with a beautiful view of the city is a great place to go.
24. Tell your special someone you love them—and why.
Whether you’ve just started dating your valentine or have been together for years, express your appreciation and love in a way that will let them know how much you care about them. Spend every day after this Valentine’s Day repeating numbers 1-10 and hopefully that will lead to many more years with your valentine.
25. Get a subscription to his/her favorite magazine
Finding his/her favorite magazine for the special someone is not that difficult. You can easily get a subscription for his/her favorite magazine.