
Father’s Day 2018: When Is Father’s Day? Why Do Countries Have Different Dates?

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May 22nd, 2018   |   Updated on July 22nd, 2022

Father’s day is a special day which is dedicated to the man of the family i.e. the Father. All sons and daughters take some time out to spend the day with their father and some even shower theirs with gifts and cards.


Father’s day becomes their special day to make their Dad feel special. Most people start shopping for Father’s day in advance but the truth is for your father even a wish or phone call is enough to make him feel nice. If you also want to make the day lovely for your father do note the date this year.

When is Father’s Day?

Father’s Day 2018

This year father’s day is falling on Sunday, June 17. The date of father’s day is different each year much like Mother’s day. In the United Kingdom every year Father’s day is celebrated on the Third Sunday of June month.

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Why is the date different between countries?

Father’s Day 2018

Normally it is the Third Sunday of June when most of us celebrate father’s day. In other countries, the date of father’s day can be different.

Canada, the UK, the US, Argentina, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Mexico, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa and Venezuela are some countries which consider the June date as Father’s day.

However, some other countries like Australia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand have the special day in the month of September.

Father’s Day 2018

On the other hand, Thailand celebrates it on December 5 and Bulgaria on December 26. Norway, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, and Iceland have marked the second Sunday of November as Father’s day.

Father’s Day 2018

The dates have been selected depending upon each country’s traditions and cultural background. One reason why Southern Hemisphere does not consider June worthy enough could be because it is an autumn month for them and marketing any occasion is best when it falls in spring months.

Origin of Father’s Day

Father’s Day 2018

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The tradition of celebrating Father’s Day is thought to come from the US.

It is believed that Father’s day originated from the US. Legend says that this tradition was brought forth by a woman named Grace Golden Clayton from Fairmount West Virginia.

In the year 1908, she lobbied hard to the Methodist ministers to have a church service only for the fathers.

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She was inspired to do so after a freak mining accident killed nearly 362 men and made more than 1000 kids orphans. Grace wanted to pay a tribute to all those men.

As per another story, a woman named Sonora smart Dodd saw the Mother’s day and felt that fathers should also have a day of their own. The US has been celebrating father’s day since June 1910.