August 10th, 2021 | Updated on December 21st, 2022
Have you ever stopped to design your own infographic from scratch? Do you know the advantages they can bring to your content? Every day more users with web pages that share content on their social networks are used to including infographics, as they begin to know the power they have.
An infographic will increase the engagement of our article and we can make it viral in an easier way than a single post without visual elements.
The definition of infographics is simple, but we get stuck when designing them since we see many elements and get overwhelmed with them. Let’s see what is an infographic, and the steps of making a good infographic.
What Is An Infographic?
An infographic is a graphic and visual representation to present and summarize the content on a particular topic through images, drawings, graphics or another type of visual element.
In an infographic, different elements are combined, which loose do not have the same meaning as they would have exposed in an image, so an infographic gives meaning to information that we want to transmit, either to our reader, client, or the public.
For this reason, we must not forget that an infographic is a very important element to summarize the contents of an article, so it must be attractive and aesthetic, and that it drives your reader to read it, thus keeping the image of the article in their mind.
An infographic should be simple and well designed, according to the information that is presented in it.
It is a technique widely used as a marketing strategy to create content in a blog article, as it will increase the time spent on our website. What are we waiting for to include infographics in our articles?
Benefits Of Creating An Infographic
As I have told you, many Internet users write articles thinking that making an infographic is adding some more element, for pure aesthetics, without thinking about the benefits it will have on its contents.
The benefits they bring us are incredible, and therefore, we should not miss the opportunity to include them if our time allows it. I am going to name you some of them:
- They serve as a support to help the reader not get lost in the content since it is a synthesis or outline of our article or presentation.
- They allow readers to understand the concepts in a clearer and simpler way.
- They help to remember, as they remain in the reader’s memory ahead of the text.
- Increase the reader’s time of stay on the web page.
- Increase the visibility and engagement of our post since many users will share our infographic on social networks, making it viral.
- They add value to our content, and Google wants us to bring our best to our audience, right?
- It reinforces our brand image in front of the public since they are well received due to their attractiveness.
You May Like To Read: 20 Best Infographic Tools For Creating Beautiful Infographic From Scratch
Types Of Infographics
I’m going to show you some types that we can find and make, with infographic examples for each one. As you already know, most infographics summarize or visually synthesize along to explain the topic so that it can be done in several ways.
Statistical Infographics
Synthesize what has been explained with data using tables, graphs, or any visual element that allows ordering the values. We can summarize a company’s accounts and present them to investors in a very graphical and intuitive way.
Chronological Infographics
A timeline marks these infographics for years, months, days, or any date format. They follow a chronology marked by the events that we indicate.
Infographics Versus
In a very visual and simple way, we can see summaries of comparisons, characteristics, advantages or disadvantages. For example, iPhone X VS Samsung s9.
Numerical Or Process Infographics
These usually follow an order, either in numbers or through a linear process marked by our data. It is an excellent way to synthesize a process or an order of steps.
Geographic Infographics
They are usually done to give information about specific locations or even historical events located on a map.
Infographic Video
An infographic video is a visual representation of data and information in the form of an animated way. It helps better explain data in a more dynamic way by adding animated text, logo and video clips.
How To Use Different Types Of Infographics
When creating an infographic, it is important to first determine what type of data you are trying to visualize. Once you have determined the type of data, you can then begin to choose the appropriate type of infographic.
For example, if you are trying to visualize a process, you would want to use a flow chart. If you are trying to compare data, you would want to use a bar graph.
Once you have chosen the appropriate infographic, it is important to make sure that your data is easy to read. You want to make sure that the information provided in the infographic is quickly accessible, and also easily understood.
As stated earlier, when creating an infographic, it is important to first determine the type of data you are trying to visualize. However, it is equally important that your visuals be accurate. Make sure that all sources are properly cited in the infographic.
It is also necessary to provide a link to your sources so that readers can confirm the information provided in your infographics with the original data.
When choosing an article type for your infographic, it is important to be creative. It is also important to make sure that the sources you are using are recent. Relying on older articles for your source content can lead to inaccuracies in your infographic.
Another important aspect of creating an article-type infographic is that the articles must be relevant to your topic. If they are not relevant, it will weaken the credibility of both your infographic and your brand.
Once you have chosen which articles to include, it is necessary to determine what order you would like them in. The most commonly used order for article type infographics is chronological. However, if the articles are not related chronologically, then a different form of organization may be more appropriate.
If you choose to use a different form of organization, it is important to make sure that you are following a logical pattern. For example, if you choose an N-shape pattern, then the articles have to be relevant to the topic in some way. If they aren’t relevant, then they will weaken the credibility of your infographic and brand.
How To Make An Infographic
Now, once we have decided that we will create an infographic, we often don’t know where to start, and we get overwhelmed before our time. For this reason, I have created a list of steps that we must do before starting with our infographic.
1. Select The Topic And Idea
We are already clear that we want to make an infographic, but the first thing to know is what we will draw it about, whether it is about technology, company reports, explaining a kind of knowledge of the environment, summarizing an article, etc.
But don’t just select the general theme. Look for a specific theme for your infographic, which impacts your audience so that it goes viral as easy as possible.
For example, if we do an article about the different channels to watch series, why don’t you make a Netflix infographic? People will be curious and I am sure that many will want to know what the history of this great company is.
Offer quality content explained in the best possible way and always according to the end-user to whom your infographic is directed. Once we have this in mind, we can move on to the next step.
2. Research The Topic, Sector, Collect Data And Information
This step is super important for your infographic to triumph among your audience since it requires an analysis of the information.
Do not stay alone with what you already know. Investigate other professionals in your sector and corroborate your information since the information may be incorrect and your infographic loses veracity.
I recommend that before launching an infographic, you consult the social networks influencers in your sector.
3. Collect Your Content And Relevant Data For Your Infographic
Collecting content and data for your infographic can be a fun but daunting task. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
- Start by brainstorming a list of topics or questions that you want to answer with your infographic.
- Gather data from reputable sources to support your points.
- If you have original data, be sure to include that as well.
- Create a visually appealing layout that will engage your audience.
- Make sure all of your content is properly cited.
4. Set Your Style
Once you are clear about what you are going to do, you must choose the type of infographic you want to draw to surprise your audience.
Although it is difficult to make original and different infographics from what we can already find, avoid making a copy + paste and start creating your own designs.
Still, I am always in favor of leaving your essence in the infographic. Make them according to your style since you should feel comfortable with your creations. Otherwise, you will want to make more designs.
4. Select The Format, Colors And Fonts
Horizontal, vertical, 1000px, 800px…? Green, blue, yellow …? Arial, Verdana, Roboto …? Here come many doubts for those who are not used to doing this type of design. Which one will attract the most attention? What if they don’t like the color?
Well, choose elements according to the theme, choose a color, and create a color palette that complements well and attracts attention.
Regarding the format, think about the size of the site where you will include this infographic. If it is in a blog article, it can be vertical and invite the user to scroll and increase their stay on the page.
5. Customize Your Infographic
Creating a custom infographic is easy — all you need is some data, a catchy title, and some basic design skills. Start by coming up with a title that catches the reader’s attention and summarizes the data you’re providing.
Next, plug in your data and content, adjusting the font sizes and formatting to make it look appealing.
To customize the look of your infographic, you can change the colors and fonts. You can also add or change up the graphics to make them more relevant to your brand and data.
6. Determine The Texts And Images
This step is crucial in our design. Create attractive texts and images that invite you to continue reading and looking at the infographic.
There are plenty of image banks where you can search for individual images or icons and thus be able to organize your infographic.
7. Determine The Organization
In this step, we must be clear about the type of infographic that we are going to use, the style and formats, fonts and designs.
The next step will be to determine the organization of the content to be clear about the structure that our infographic will have.
8. Choose A Tool
Choosing a page to make infographics is a difficult choice since there are several and we think that doing it with more powerful programs will be better.
Before that, choose if you are going to use a paid or free tool to carry it out and get started with your design. I am one of those who use Canva or DesignCap since they offer premade infographic templates.
9. Include The Source In Infographic
When you create an infographic, it’s important to include a link to your source material so that readers can find out more if they’re interested.
Additionally, including a logo or other branding will help people know who created the infographic if it’s shared on social media or other websites. This can help increase traffic to your website or blog and boost your brand’s visibility.
10. Add Embed Code And A Pinterest Button
Adding an embed code and a Pinterest button makes it easy for readers to share your infographic on their own websites and blogs. This will help you to reach a larger audience and get more people interested in your infographic.
To Sum Up
An infographic will increase the engagement of our article and we can make it viral in an easier way than a single post without visual elements.
We’ve explained the importance of creating an infographic and the tips for making it. It is your turn to make a cool one.