Published on October 18th, 2024

7 No-Brainer Reasons

to Choose Semrush

over Similarweb

See the facts and research that show Semrush is the better
choice for competitor research, SEO, and digital marketing

Pay less, get way (waaaay)
more from Semrush

Get more data, more features, and more growth opportunities

with the Semrush .Trends bundle

Reason #1

Semrush has more accurate
and reliable data

Semrush cross-checks multiple sources (clickstream, keyword & backlink databases, Google SERP analysis) to provide accurate data on any website, no matter the size or industry. Similarweb has fewer data sources and can’t provide traffic data for all websites: they have no data for websites <5K/month and may have questionable accuracy for sites <50K/month.1

Reason #2

Semrush has more accurate
and reliable data

Semrush cross-checks multiple sources (clickstream, keyword & backlink databases, Google SERP analysis) to provide accurate data on any website, no matter the size or industry. Similarweb has fewer data sources and can’t provide traffic data for all websites: they have no data for websites <5K/month and may have questionable accuracy for sites <50K/month.1

Reason #1

Semrush has more accurate
and reliable data

Semrush cross-checks multiple sources (clickstream, keyword & backlink databases, Google SERP analysis) to provide accurate data on any website, no matter the size or industry. Similarweb has fewer data sources and can’t provide traffic data for all websites: they have no data for websites <5K/month and may have questionable accuracy for sites <50K/month.1

Reason #2

Semrush has more accurate
and reliable data

Semrush cross-checks multiple sources (clickstream, keyword & backlink databases, Google SERP analysis) to provide accurate data on any website, no matter the size or industry. Similarweb has fewer data sources and can’t provide traffic data for all websites: they have no data for websites <5K/month and may have questionable accuracy for sites <50K/month.1

See for yourself: get this power-house
marketing bundle free for 7 days

Similarweb is way more expensive
with fewer features

Serious market research and online growth needs a no-limits tool. See how equivalent
packages from Semrush and Similarweb compare on price and features.

monthly pricing

Semrush Pro $129.95

.Trends $289

Worldwide geo view with filters for specific countries/
subregions with 190+ countries included

Market trends tool to capture market share and growth trends (Market Explorer) included

monthly pricing

Similarweb Starter $149

Worldwide geo view only. Country filter for additional extra cost for each county which can be thousands of dollars

Requires talking to salesperson

Market Trends for additional cost

Semrush has 3X more peer
reviews and we still shine




2212 reviews

98 reviews


1998 reviews

993 reviews

Semrush vs Similarweb:

Feature by feature comparison

Need even more? Semrush includes more access in our standard packages,
plus has additional add-ons to meet any marketer’s needs—impossible with Similarweb.



Google SERP database

Google SERP database

Rank Tracking

On-Page and Technical SEO 

Local SEO

Here s why marketers love Semrush

“I’ve been using Semrush for 7+
years now and heavily rely on it to help me move whatever site I’m working on to the top of Google.”

Casey Camilleri Marx
Digital Marketing Director,
Nlyte Software

“I’ve been using Semrush for 7+
years now and heavily rely on it to help me move whatever site I’m working on to the top of Google.”

Casey Camilleri Marx
Digital Marketing Director,
Nlyte Software

“I’ve been using Semrush for 7+
years now and heavily rely on it to help me move whatever site I’m working on to the top of Google.”

Casey Camilleri Marx
Digital Marketing Director,
Nlyte Software

Need more convincing?

Here, try it free

No strings attached. Cancel anytime.

Get Semrush Pro or Guru + .Trends entirely free for 7 days.