Published on December 10th, 2018
Those five days of the month are really stressful more so when you also have to worry about frequent trips to the washroom. Now figure you are going to be stuck in the wilderness in those five days with no toilets around.
It is in such situations that a menstrual cup becomes your knight in shining armor. Know how.
1. Ah, well your menstrual cup can last you for more than your last relationship did. Yeah, you guessed right. Though an annual replacement is suggested with proper care you make yours stay fine for a long time.
2. Save those green dollars and maybe use them for your next beauty purchase. Since your cup lasts long no more spending an exorbitant amount on the pads. That’s fun?
3. If you are tired of the pharmacy trips each month save your energy for something more exciting. How about a lunch date or a new dress purchase. Guess both of them.
4. By now you must be tired of that continuous feel of going to the washroom. You know what; you can relax now as with menstrual cup you can stay away for 12 hours at least.
5. For women who have a severe flow each month, the menstrual cup holds more liquid than any. So no more staying indoors and letting the days go. Go have fun with your friends and maybe just forget about the periods.
6. All health freak moms know the damaging chemicals present in a tampon. None, however, can be found in a menstrual cup and once taken you may just forget about it.
7. Leaks while wearing a pad or tampon is common and maybe you would have had a nightmare about that too. With a cup just chill as it can absorb any amount of liquid.
8. Toxic shock syndrome a heavy sounding word can also cause your death. You know if the flow is more your tampon may shred and cause the disease to come knocking.
9. Tampons also can be responsible for dryness caused in your vaginal region. The menstrual cup does not bother your vaginal lining and you remain as fit as a fiddle.
10. During intercourse, tampons can be a spoilsport causing all the fun to be lost. Wear a menstrual cup and have a pleasurable time without any fear.
11. If you think you cannot get a diaper rash, it is only for babies, time for a reality check. Your pad can be equally harming so just stay away.
12. How many times you have rushed back to stock up an extra piece in your purse. If that is your reality too picking up a menstrual cup is what you need.
13. Each day of a period has a different flow pattern which tampons need to take care of. With a menstrual cup around chill and enjoy heavy and light flow as you want.
14. Most women worry about whether they are sleeping in the right pose. Plus you do not have to get up for change so just sleep blissfully, would you?
15. Just after childbirth and you are worried about the prolonged flow. Take some rest and enjoy your time with the baby as the cup handles it all.
16. With your tampon do you feel the fear of it coming out at any moment? Yes of course as most women face that situation. Leave it to the cup as it stays intact wherever you are.
17. Your body may have been an unsolved mystery for you till now. Why not explore and know more about how it works. Your cup would tell you how.
18. Nothing to be scared of these are not monsters who would harm you. Just chuck your tampon away and pick up a menstrual cup. Won’t you be pleased with the freedom you get?
Images Source: Buzzfeed
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