Small Business

Beginner’s Guide To Video Marketing For Small Businesses

Video Marketing

Published on December 6th, 2019

Marketing is a way that most companies use to sell products and services to customers.

Marketing uses the marketing mix that is the 4 P’s of marketing- product, price, place, and promotion. The major aim of marketing is reaching the target audience at the right place and time.

There Are Various Types Of Marketing, Such As:

  1. Relationship marketing
  2. Internet marketing (includes video marketing)
  3. Paid advertising
  4. Word of mouth marketing
  5. Diversity marketing

This generation is all about technology, its uses, and its functions. Technology has influenced us in ways we cannot even think of. Internet marketing is at its peak because of the traffic that is active at all times.

All the marketing consultants talk about the effective placement of products that need to be marketed online, either through videos or active presence on social media apps.

These digital marketing strategies have also made the growth of small businesses quite hectic free.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video Marketing

In simple words, video marketing is a video designed by companies that are placed where most of their target audience will flood.

The video can be 1-5 mins long. In those 1-5 mins, they try to convince the user to buy the product immediately.

They showcase their ideas in the most effective way to convince and use the trust, the reputation of celebrities to sell confidently in the market.

Video marketing can be used for anything and everything from building customer trust, promoting brands and services to reaching them with influential ideas portrayal.

Before you think of video marketing, make sure you have a team that has good ideas to show on apps.

The Extent Of Effect Videos Can Have:

If you are looking to engage your customers and influence their purchase, then about 49 percent of revenue growth happens due to the successful reach of video marketing.

This is because about 64% of the customers buy the product after watching convincing video advertisements of the brand.

Why Should You Prefer Video Marketing Over Any Other Way? Here Are A Few Points To Convince You:
  • Customers prefer video 4 times than reading about it interesting, right? Almost all people like watching a video than reading something. Video gives visual representation to the idea, which makes it pretty interesting to watch. The information is taken in easily, and not much of the attention of the brain is required here.
  • Video marketing has a direct impact on the viewer and gets the customer to action. When you see what effects that product might bring to you, then you have an urge to try it and see the effects as soon as possible. When this tendency increases, they have done their job right.
  • Know the brand many people might not be aware that you exist in the market. Video advertisement and marketing increase brand awareness to your targeted audiences. Making marketing strategies that involve presenting ads on YouTube can boost your sales immensely as it is the second largest search engine all over the world.
  • Talk about your brands’ USP: videos engage the audience a lot more than you think. When you show them the passion, culture you have for the product, they automatically get attracted to the USP that your company created. Ads are both relatable and reachable, thus proving your marketing strategy successful.
  • Small businesses do not have a lot of funds and disposable income that they can invest in advertisements on television or newspaper, but not doing any marketing may leave your business as a failure. Do not have to worry now because video marketing is the best way to reach the people you want to influence at really less cost as compared to television marketing.
  • The more one can relate, the better it is. Why do you think people choose celebrities and sportsmen in their advertisement? It is because people watch them carefully as they have an interest in a particular celebrity. Make sure the content and product you want to sell have used and then create an urge in the video itself. Repetition of the ad can lead to registration of your product in their brains, so plan it in this way. You don’t need a huge budget for video marketing. All you need is an effective idea and a team that can put that idea into the video. Sometimes the ad can be disruptive due to inadequate planning.

The best video will be the one that not only tells about your product/company or USP but also engages them and makes them laugh.

To make people laugh is pretty tough a job, but if you can in the video, then this will immensely affect the people buying it because whenever they see your brand in the supermarket, they will get reminded of the video that made them laugh.


Influencer Marketing For Your Brand

Speak to the working team about how you want to be seen in the market. Success doesn’t come with more money putting in the marketing.

It comes with effective marketing with the available funds for the same. When you are providing a service in the market, then you should know an innovative way to convince and sell your brand.

Aditya Sudheer – Author Bio

Aditya works as a Growth Assistant at AirTract, a go-to place for all expert advice wherein people ask questions, write articles, share and learn from paid and free online courses.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering and has been working in the field of Digital Marketing for the past two years. He is also a voracious reader and a big sports fan.