June 27th, 2019 | Updated on September 16th, 2021
Most people ask; how soon can I take a pregnancy test after ovulation? The answer to that is quite simple. Taking a pregnancy test too soon after ovulation can lead to inaccurate results.
The best time you can take pregnancy test is after your period. It is during this period when most pregnancy tests are able to tell you accurately whether you are pregnant or not. It is important to note that, every woman is different.
This makes the process of conception to vary from one woman to another. Normally, the pregnancy tests work by detecting the amounts of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in your blood stream and urine. Depending on the amount of hCG in your blood and urine, the pregnancy tests will tell you accurately whether you are pregnant or not.
HCG is a pregnancy hormone. When a male sperm and female egg unite at fertilization, they form a zygote, which after undergoing several processes forms an outer layer called trophoblast. Trophoblast begins producing HCG in early pregnancy.
Generally, when hCG begins to become present in your body, it gets absorbed into your bloodstream and therefore, you are likely to get accurate pregnancy blood test results in fewer days than is the case with a urine pregnancy test.
This is because before hCG gets into your urine, it has to undergo a number of processes. These processes include travelling to your kidneys, undergoing filtration before getting into the urine. By that stage, the body is excreting the excess amount of hCG it does not need. Therefore, if your urine pregnancy kit is inefficient, it might miss the earliest amounts of hCG to enter your urine.
Although many pregnancy tests do not require that you take the early morning urine for this test, such urine contains a larger concentration of hCG, and therefore can give you better pregnancy results. The earliest you can expect early positive results from urine pregnancy test is 2-days after the blood pregnancy test.
However, using the correct test when you want to determine pregnancy is important. Since the amount of hCG keeps increasing after conception, some tests have quite high sensitivity levels.
For instance, if you get a kit whose sensitivity is at 75 milli-Internationals Unit per milliliter (mlU/ml), it will not detect your pregnancy when your level is only at 50mlU/ml. Nevertheless, newer tests on the market are incorporating new technology to enable you to detect minimum amounts of this hCG in your blood.
Generally, clinical urine and blood test performed by a doctor may be able to produce positive results within 24 hours of implantation (about 9 days after ovulation). This is as opposed to using home pregnancy test kits, which might take longer. However, these health care facilities tests are expensive, time consuming and inconvenient to many people.
HCG plays a number of important roles that are helpful in fetal development. These roles include stimulating estrogen and progesterone. To get the best results, it is important for you to wait at least 14 days after ovulation, or after missing a period. When your test reads 5 MIU/L, you can consider yourself pregnant.
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