
5 Ways To Manage Lymphedema


January 25th, 2022   |   Updated on January 23rd, 2023

We know that living with lymphedema can be a challenge. It’s definitely not the easiest diagnosis for anyone, but there are ways to manage it and avoid severe inflammation. Here are a few tips to help you manage your lymphedema:

1. Practice Solid Skincare Routines

It’s highly important to practice great skincare when dealing with lymphedema, as any type of cut or rash could cause issues and infection. Dry skin leads to cracked skin which is another point of infection entry.

This is why many people with lymphedema go all out to keep their affected limb clean, making sure to use quality cleansers and moisturizers.

This allows people to avoid any skin issues and keep the swollen area as clean as possible. Practice your skincare routine daily to ensure it stays moisturized, and when engaging in any type of sport or higher-intensity exercise, make sure to keep your affected limb safe.

2. Work With Your Health Provider

Your healthcare provider can help you understand all the answers to “What is lymphedema and what causes it?”. This way, the two of you can determine the best course of treatment for the stage of lymphedema you suffer from.

They’ll also be able to guide you to understand whether or not surgical procedures are necessary or if you simply need to wear prescribed compression garments.

It can be helpful to get some guidance when dealing with the ins and outs of living with lymphedema, so consider looking for a lymphedema support group in your area.

3. Practice Healthy Habits

Eating healthy is important for those with lymphedema since it helps you decrease inflammation, especially when eating anti-inflammatory foods.

Not only that, but exercise and weight management are also key to managing lymphedema swelling and other issues associated with this illness.

When carrying extra weight, your affected limbs will be more prone to swelling, so it’s important to work on losing weight if you’re over your average.

High impact sports or fitness routines may not be the best for you, but doing low-intensity activities like walking, swimming, or even riding your bike are. Consider working with an experienced personal trainer to get healthy and fit.


4. Use Compression Garments

Compression garments can do a lot to help your affected limb as they help to keep fluid from building up. While this may take some time to get used to if you’ve been diagnosed recently, it will do a lot to decrease swelling.

You may be concerned about how you look with this type of bandage, but there are some cute compression garments that look trendy and stylish.

Make sure to speak with an online doctor about the type of compression necessary for your specific condition since you’ll need a certain level to manage the swelling you may have.

5. Incorporate Exercises And Stretches

There are some exercises specific to managing lymphedema that you can learn with a physical therapist so that you can do them in your home on your own.

These stretches and exercises can help you move fluid, preventing it from building up and reducing swelling. MLD can help you stimulate the lymphatic system, which is also important for fluid to flow.

In Conclusion

Although it’s not easy to deal with lymphedema and its many challenges, you can incorporate practices and routines into your daily life that can help you manage it.

Understanding what it is and speaking with your healthcare provider will also go far in helping you to treat and decrease swelling.

Work with your doctor to know the best course of treatment for you. While incurable, it is manageable with tips like the ones mentioned above.

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Information provided by does in no way substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Any text, videos, or any other material provided by us should be considered general information only. Any health-related information may vary from person to person, hence we advise you to consult specialists for more information.