
What Kind Of Hearing Aids Are The Best?

What Kind Of Hearing Aids Are The Best

May 20th, 2022   |   Updated on January 23rd, 2023

When you are diagnosed with hearing problems one of the first things you are likely to do is to start looking at hearing aid types and their styles. There are lots of different options out there and so it is important for you to know which ones you are looking for.

There can be a lot of stigmas attached to buying hearing aids, but you should not feel ashamed to wear them. You need to find ones that are comfortable for you and that can let you wear them without feeling self-conscious. Here is a list to help you compare hearing aids and their different styles.

Styles Of Hearing Aid

In general, there are two types of hearing aid styles. There are the in-the-ear hearing aids and the behind-the-ear hearing aids.

In The Ear Hearing Aids

These are worn within the ear canal and need to be custom-fitted to your ear. A health professional will create an impression of your ear at your consultation and send that off so that the hearing aid can fit correctly within your ear.

Often in the ear hearing aids are made so that they match the color of your outer ear. This is to avoid any unwanted attention to the fact that you are wearing hearing aids. Some fit quite deeply in the ear whilst others are closer to the outer edge.

Invisible In The Ear Canal Vs Completely In The Canal

These are the smallest and the most modest styles available for those wanting to have their hearing aids in the ear. Some are so well designed that they are virtually invisible at a quick glance.

When you wear an invisible in the canal style, you must push them quite far in the ear. To get them out, you can use a small string that is attached to them.

Completely in the canal aids are similar but don’t require to be pushed in as far. This does mean that they are slightly more visible.

These hearing aids tend to be better for those people with only mild hearing. This is because their small size means that they do not have manual controls or a volume wheel. They are much more discreet and have decent sound quality but are not as effective as other versions.

Behind The Ear Hearing Aids

These sit astride your ear or are tucked just behind it and are usually kept in place by tubing that also routes the sound down into your ear canal. This is again usually custom-fitted or a general dome style that does not block the ear canal and allows for the sound to be heard.

These are available in a wide range of colors that can either match your skin or hair tone or can stand out if you would rather have a design that is more personal to you.

In terms of battery life, they both come with regular button batteries that usually need to be replaced between 5-20 days depending on usage and on the hearing aid itself. There has been a recent advancement in rechargeable ones though these are more expensive and can burn out quicker.

Ear Molded Hearing Aids

The hearing aids that come with earmolds suit any kind of hearing loss regardless of how extreme or minor it is. Due to the fact that it has a longer shape that hides behind your ear, you can have more features with this type of hearing aid.

This can include volume control, connectivity with wireless devices, and stronger battery life than any other hearing aid. These tend to be used for children as they can be reprogrammed quite easily, and the earmold can be replaced separately as the child grows. Though if you are more comfortable with this version then there is no reason not to have it.

These types of hearing aids tend to be more useful for those with more severe hearing loss. They are more likely to last longer and are less vulnerable to moisture damage that can occur from water being housed in the ear. However, they are more noticeable and can cause issues for those who wear glasses.

The Best Hearing Aids For You

When it comes to choosing a hearing aid, you need to make sure that it is comfortable for you. This does not just include how it feels but also how you feel when you wear it. You should not be ashamed of wearing them but don’t feel obliged to show them off.

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