
New Study Is In: Artificial Sweeteners Causing Obesity and Diabetes

Artificial Sweeteners Causing Obesity and Diabetes

February 26th, 2018   |   Updated on April 17th, 2024

The dangers of sugar are well-known today and proven by multiple studies, states Harvard Medical School. The publication of these studies was the major reason behind the boost in the popularity of artificial sweeteners.

However, the latest research presented at the Experimental Biology 2018 shows that these replacements might actually be worse for your body long-term.

Body-Altering Effects of Artificial Sweeteners and Their Dangers

The so-called ‘zero-calorie’ sweeteners have now become a staple in the food industry. Their popularity has grown even further with the rising epidemic of obesity as ‘diet’ sodas and other products are considered to prevent weight gain.

However, some researchers became extremely suspicious as to why that epidemic continues to worsen if sugar replacements have become commonplace. The reason, as it turns out, is that artificial sweeteners affect the biochemistry of the human body.

In particular, they affect the way you metabolize energy. This leads to the development of metabolic conditions, the two most common of which are obesity and type 2 diabetes.

As artificial sweeteners are marketed as being best sugar replacements for people suffering from these conditions, the problem is obvious.

How to Revise Your Weight Loss Diet in the Light of the New Study

The first step would be to exclude the products containing artificial sugar replacements from your diet. With this done, you should bring more focus to the restoration of your natural metabolism.

One of the most efficient ways to do this is by taking supplements that enhance it naturally, like products containing phentermine.

However, when choosing a supplement for your weight loss diet you should always ask how does phentermine work for weight loss? Do this for every element in the product as it’s the individual effects of some of its components that will help you pick a perfect product.

For example, phentermine itself is an appetite suppressant, which is the reason why it’s so effective for weight loss. However, supplements with it often include capsaicin, caffeine, and citrus aurantium. These ingredients are mild and natural elements that normalize and enhance energy metabolism.

The important benefit of natural supplements is that they don’t try to force your metabolism into anything. This can be extremely detrimental to your health by default and in the light of the new study the effects will be impossible to predict.

Instead, natural extracts strive to restore the body to its prime-function. The information on the far-reaching biochemical changes caused by artificial sweeteners is still lacking.

However, it’s safe to assume that mild and stabilizing approach will be the safest option for undoing the damage they cause. At the very least, these products should be able to help stabilize the body and kickstart its natural recovery.

Aside from taking the supplements, it will be also important to revise your weight loss diet. Remember, you don’t have to exclude all sugar and its replacements.

The most dangerous ones for your health are refined sugar and artificial substitutes. Therefore, naturally sweet fruits and products like mesquite powder are fair game.

You can also enjoy some honey as well as natural agave and maple syrups. However, those things contain far too much sugar by default, so be careful.

It is yet unclear what exactly will be the best technique to restore the body after the changes caused by the intake of artificial sweeteners. The discovery is still new and not detailed enough. However, with the subject of obesity being a prevalent concern today, one can expect more detailed research soon.

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