Published on June 12th, 2023
Just like us adults, infants also need dietary modifications in their day-to-day life. Most of the time, these modifications are necessary because of digestive issues and allergens.
If your infant is experiencing anything such, please know that it is nothing to worry about. In fact, it may be a sign that some necessary changes are due and the incorporation of HiPP Formula is a need.
It is important to find the right match of formula to fit a baby’s requirements, especially for babies who have milk protein allergies and milk protein sensitivities Giving babies regular milk can cause an allergic reaction that ranges from mild symptoms like skin rashes to severe like vomiting and respiratory issues – which can lead to death.
The symptoms for milk protein allergies, milk protein sensitivity, and lactose intolerance almost look the same. Parents have to consult with their health care professional to get guidance on which formula to give babies.
As a parent, taking preventive measures for your child is always better than undergoing treatment. And the best way to go about that is to look out for the signs mentioned in this read.
Why Is HiPP HA Better Than The Regular Formula?
HiPP HA is processed and prepared only to include hydrolyzed proteins with simple structures and, therefore, are easier to adjust.
The complex cow milk protein is completely removed from the ingredients to ensure the infant does not experience digestive issues.
HiPP HA is specially formulated for babies who have milk protein sensitivities. The milk protein in HiPP HA is partially hydrolyzed by 86-87%.
It also does not include casein. Since the protein in the formula is smaller, babies find HiPP HA easier to digest than regular milk.
There are 3 variants of HiPP HA:
- HiPP HA PRE is for babies who are 0-6 months old. This version does not include starch so this has a thinner consistency compared to the version that contains starch. This is a gentler version of HiPP HA.
- HiPP HA Stage 1 is for babies who are 0-6 months old. This version contains starch so this has a thicker and creamier consistency that some babies are fond of. This variant may also make a baby fill fuller compared to the version that does not contain starch.
- HiPP HA Stage 2 is for babies who are 6-12 months old. This version contains starch.
HiPP HA does not have stage 3 because babies are normally weaned from formula by 12 months of age.
Having discussed that, let’s get right into the indicators which may eventually lead you to HiPP HA.
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1. Genetic History Of Food Allergies
Mostly, food allergies can be unpredictable, but at other times the causes are right under our noses, such as strong family history. It isn’t inevitable for your child to escape having a food allergy because his aunt had the same issue.
Nonetheless, it does mean there is a higher probability, especially if there is a genetic link, particularly to cow milk protein allergy.
In such a scenario, consult your pediatrician regarding transitioning from regular HiPP combi-otic baby formula to Hipp hypoallergenic baby formula.
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2. Vomiting
If your child is frequently vomiting, has loose stools, and has no apparent cause, you might want to consider HiPP HA. More often than not, the reason behind symptoms of digestive issues, especially in infants from 0 – 6 months, is a cow milk allergy.
So be sure to consult a doctor and rule out the possibility of a viral or bacterial infection. If either of the two isn’t positive, you know what the quick fix could be!
3. Wheezing or Respiratory Issues
This symptom is alarming and less likely to occur if the allergy is traced sooner. However, if you notice the infant struggling for breath or wheezing, even in the slightest manner, consult a child specialist ASAP.
Along with strict medical attention and treatment, the doctor may suggest switching to breastfeeding or hypoallergenic baby formulas. In the latter case, HiPP HA is your best choice.
4. Eczema or Skin Rashes
This is perhaps the most noticeable sign cueing that something may be wrong with your infant. It can’t be a good sign if the child has rashes or red spots on the skin. It doesn’t always mean a dietary adjustment is needed, but it doesn’t hurt to be safe than sorry.
Once your child switches to HiPP Formula, the red spots/rashes should disappear quickly.
Note: This read is in no way an alternative to the advice of a doctor. Consult a specialist before you make a final decision.
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