Published on March 1st, 2024
In the vast domain of cinema, LGBTQ-centered films have long been a rarity.
From the early days of Hollywood to the present, the journey of queer representation on the silver screen has been one of struggle, progress, and celebration.
Despite the challenges, the LGBTQ community has persevered, advocating for more authentic and diverse portrayals of their experiences.
As we reflect on the evolution of LGBTQ cinema, it becomes evident that each film holds significant cultural importance, shaping not only the way we view others but also how we perceive ourselves.
Historically, LGBTQ characters were often relegated to the sidelines, depicted as one-dimensional stereotypes or tragic figures.
In the 1970s, films like “The Boys in the Band” portrayed self-loathing middle-aged men grappling with their sexuality in a society that deemed their love taboo.
These narratives reinforced harmful stereotypes and perpetuated the idea that being queer was synonymous with suffering and shame.
However, as societal attitudes began to shift, so too did the portrayal of LGBTQ characters on screen.
In the 1990s and early 2000s, films like “Fire Island” and “Love, Simon” introduced audiences to headstrong misfits and love-torn teens, respectively, offering more nuanced depictions of queer identities.
These stories provided a sense of visibility and validation for LGBTQ individuals, showcasing the diversity of their experiences and struggles.
Despite these strides, LGBTQ representation remained largely homogenous, with white characters dominating the screen.
It wasn’t until the release of “Moonlight” in 2016 that mainstream cinema witnessed a groundbreaking shift.
Directed by Barry Jenkins, “Moonlight” told the layered and hopeful story of a gay Black man navigating his identity amidst poverty and prejudice.
The film shattered stereotypes and offered a poignant portrayal of intersectionality within the LGBTQ community, earning Jenkins an Oscar and cementing its place in cinematic history.
Since then, the landscape of LGBTQ cinema has continued to evolve, with filmmakers increasingly embracing intersectional narratives and diverse perspectives.
Films like “Bros” have sparked conversations about the importance of LGBTQ representation in mainstream media, challenging major studios to prioritize inclusivity and authenticity in their storytelling.
Moreover, the rise of independent cinema has provided a platform for marginalized voices to share their stories authentically.
Films like “The Watermelon Woman” exemplify the shoestring brilliance of queer filmmakers, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of LGBTQ experiences that often go unseen in mainstream media.
At the same time, big-budget productions like “Rocketman” have brought the flamboyance and resilience of queer icons to the forefront, celebrating their contributions to art and culture.
Through extravagant musical sequences and raw emotional moments, these films pay homage to the LGBTQ community’s resilience and creativity in the face of adversity.
The significance of representation in LGBTQ cinema cannot be overstated. As the rallying cry “representation matters” suggests, the stories we consume have the power to shape our perceptions of others and ourselves.
When a film authentically captures the queer experience, it not only resonates with LGBTQ audiences but also fosters empathy and understanding among viewers of all backgrounds.
The evolution of LGBTQ cinema reflects the ongoing struggle for visibility, acceptance, and equality.
From the early days of marginalization to the emergence of intersectional narratives, each film contributes to a rich tapestry of queer experiences and perspectives.
As we continue to advocate for more inclusive representation in media, let us celebrate the progress we’ve made while recognizing the work that still lies ahead.
After all, every film that truly nails the queer experience is not just a work of art but a triumph of authenticity and representation.
Over the past nine decades, LGBTQ+ cinema has undergone a remarkable transformation, spanning continents, cultures, and genres.
From the pioneering German film “Mädchen in Uniform,” which defied societal norms and was subsequently banned by the Nazis, to modern-day masterpieces like “The Handmaiden” and “Paris Is Burning,” the landscape of LGBTQ+ movies is as diverse as the community it represents.
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Pioneering LGBTQ+ Films: Breaking Boundaries And Defying Conventions
At the forefront of LGBTQ+ cinema is “Mädchen in Uniform,” a groundbreaking German film that challenged the status quo with its portrayal of same-sex desire in a strict boarding school.
Released in 1931, the film dared to explore themes of love and longing between female characters at a time when such topics were considered taboo.
Despite facing censorship and condemnation, “Mädchen in Uniform” paved the way for future LGBTQ+ filmmakers to tell their stories authentically.
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Cult Classics And Iconic Representations
From the cult classic “The Birdcage,” a hilarious American comedy about a gay couple navigating familial acceptance, to the artful Korean crime drama “The Handmaiden,” which intertwines themes of desire and deception, LGBTQ+ cinema has produced a diverse array of iconic representations.
These films not only entertain but also challenge societal norms and perceptions of gender and sexuality.
Groundbreaking Indies And Landmark Documentaries
Independent films like “Tangerine” and landmark documentaries like “Paris Is Burning” have played a pivotal role in shaping LGBTQ+ cinema.
“Tangerine,” shot entirely on an iPhone, offers a raw and authentic portrayal of transgender sex workers in Los Angeles, while “Paris Is Burning” provides an intimate look into the vibrant ballroom culture of New York City’s LGBTQ+ community in the 1980s.
These films shed light on the often-overlooked experiences of marginalized individuals and celebrate the resilience and creativity of the LGBTQ+ community.
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Recent Additions And Emerging Voices
In recent years, a new wave of LGBTQ+ films has emerged, pushing boundaries and challenging conventions.
Documentaries like “Welcome to Chechnya” highlight the ongoing struggles faced by LGBTQ+ activists in countries where their identities are criminalized, while comedies like “Shiva Baby” offer fresh perspectives on the complexities of modern queer relationships.
Even mainstream Hollywood has begun to embrace LGBTQ+ narratives, as seen in films like “The Old Guard,” which features a same-sex relationship between two of its heroes.
Debates And Diversification: Addressing Representation In LGBTQ+ Cinema
While the inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters and themes in mainstream cinema is undoubtedly a step forward, it also raises important questions about representation and authenticity.
The historical dominance of white male perspectives in LGBTQ+ cinema has been a point of contention, as has the practice of casting straight and cisgender actors in LGBTQ+ roles.
However, films like “Fire Island” and “Bros” offer glimpses into the lives of queer individuals that defy stereotypes and challenge preconceptions.
Looking Ahead: The Future Of LGBTQ+ Cinema
As LGBTQ+ cinema continues to evolve, it is essential to celebrate the diverse voices and stories that contribute to its rich tapestry.
From mainstream comedies to indie dramas, LGBTQ+ filmmakers are pushing boundaries, amplifying marginalized voices, and challenging societal norms.
Whether it’s through bold experimentation or intimate storytelling, the best LGBTQ+ movies of all time serve as a testament to the resilience, creativity, and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community.
The journey of LGBTQ+ cinema is one of resilience, progress, and celebration.
From pioneering classics to contemporary masterpieces, these films have left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape, shaping perceptions and challenging conventions.
As we continue to celebrate LGBTQ+ stories on screen, let us honor the trailblazing filmmakers and activists who have paved the way for a more inclusive and authentic cinematic landscape.
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Some Of The Renowned LGBTQ+ Movies Along With Their Key Details:
Title | Year | Critics Consensus | Synopsis |
Welcome to Chechnya | 2020 | An illuminating and urgent call to action, portrays the horrors of the mass persecution of the LGBTQ+ community in the Chechen Republic with tenacity and tenderness. | Activists risk their lives to confront Russian leader Ramzan Kadyrov and his government-directed campaign to detain, torture, and execute LGBTQ individuals. |
Mucho Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado | 2020 | An absorbing and affectionate tribute to a unique individual, should prove fascinating for Walter Mercado fans as well as first-timers. | Puerto Rican astrologer and psychic Walter Mercado discusses his life, career, and post-fame seclusion. |
A Secret Love | 2020 | Pays understated yet powerful tribute to a lifetime of choices and sacrifices made in the name of enduring devotion. | A former baseball player keeps her lesbian relationship a secret from her family for seven decades. |
We Were Here | 2011 | Offers a powerful tribute to the inspiring resolve shown at a time of turmoil. | Revisits the crises facing the gay community in the early 1980s in San Francisco and offers a powerful tribute to the inspiring resolve shown at a time of turmoil. |
BPM (Beats Per Minute) | 2017 | Offers an engrossing look at a pivotal period in history that lingers long after the closing credits roll. | Nathan joins an AIDS activist group in 1990s Paris and becomes involved in the fight against the government’s indifference toward the AIDS epidemic. |
Girl Picture | 2022 | Captures the whirlwind of teenage emotions without sacrificing narrative maturity and depth. | Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö work after school at a food court smoothie kiosk, sharing stories of their frustrations, desires, and emotions. |
Moonlight | 2016 | Offers a remarkable and brilliantly crafted look at lives too rarely seen in cinema. | Chronicles the life of Chiron, a young black man growing up in Miami, exploring his struggles with identity, sexuality, and masculinity. |
Flee | 2021 | Pushes the boundaries of documentary filmmaking to present a moving memoir of self-discovery. | Tells the story of Amin Nawabi as he grapples with a painful secret he has kept hidden for 20 years as a refugee. |
God’s Own Country | 2017 | Marks an outstanding directorial debut for Francis Lee, a quiet, moving rumination on loneliness and newfound intimacy. | A young farmer in Yorkshire numbs his frustrations with drinking and casual sex until a Romanian migrant worker arrives and sparks a relationship that changes his life. |
All About My Mother | 1999 | Weaves together a magnificent tapestry of femininity with an affectionate wink to classics of theater and cinema. | New friends help a woman struggling to get her life in order after her son’s death. |
How to Survive a Plague | 2012 | Brilliantly constructed documentary about the activists who pushed for action to combat the AIDS epidemic. | Documents the efforts of Act-Up and other AIDS activists in the late 1980s and early 1990s to raise awareness and fight for action against the AIDS epidemic. |
Paris Is Burning | 1990 | Dives into ’80s transgender subculture, allowing this world to flourish and the people to speak (and dance) for themselves. | Focuses on drag queens living in New York City and their “house” culture, providing insight into the LGBTQ community’s struggles and triumphs. |
Disclosure | 2020 | Engrossingly illuminates the history and effects of the way transgender lives are depicted onscreen. | Examines Hollywood’s depiction of transgender people and its impact on American culture. |
Circus of Books | 2019 | Proves there are countless stories below the surface if we’re only willing to look. | Chronicles the story of a couple who took over an adult book store in 1976, becoming the biggest distributor of gay porn in the US. |
Call Me Kuchu | 2012 | Exposes heinous systematic brutality with a clear eye and admirable precision. | Follows openly gay activists in Uganda as they work to defeat legislation that would criminalize homosexuality in their country. |
My Beautiful Laundrette | 1985 | Fast-paced and all over the place because it has so much to say, and show, including a highly watchable fresh-faced Daniel Day-Lewis. | Explores the relationship between a young Pakistani man and his uncle’s ex-lover, a white punk who encourages him to start a laundromat business. |
Portrait of a Lady on Fire | 2019 | Finds stirring, thought-provoking drama within a powerfully acted romance. | Set in 18th-century France, a young woman falls in love with the artist commissioned to paint her portrait, challenging societal norms and expectations. |
The Half of It | 2020 | Has everything for viewers in search of an uncommonly smart, tender, and funny coming-of-age story. | A shy, introverted student helps the school jock woo a girl whom they both secretly desire. |
Booksmart | 2019 | Does the seemingly impossible by adding a smart new spin to the coming-of-age comedy. | Two academic overachievers set out to have one wild night of fun before graduating high school. |
Pain and Glory | 2019 | Finds writer-director Pedro Almodóvar drawing on his own life to rewarding effect. | An aging film director reflects on his past, grappling with memories of love, loss, and creativity. |
Parallel Mothers | 2021 | Reaffirms the familiar pleasures of Almodóvar’s filmmaking while proving he’s still capable of growth. | Two women give birth in the same hospital and form a bond as they navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood. |
The Handmaiden | 2016 | Uses a Victorian crime novel as the loose inspiration for another visually sumptuous and absorbingly idiosyncratic outing from director Park Chan-wook. | A Korean con man devises an elaborate plot to seduce a Japanese heiress with the help of an orphaned pickpocket. |
Shiva Baby | 2020 | Transcends its sitcom setup with strong performances and satisfying insights. | A college student has an awkward encounter with her sugar daddy and ex-girlfriend at a Jewish funeral service. |
Tangerine | 2015 | Shatters casting conventions and offers an old-fashioned comedy at heart. | A transgender sex worker seeks revenge on her cheating boyfriend/pimp with the help of her best friend. |
Tomboy | 2011 | In tune with the emotion and tribulations of childhood, Tomboy is a charming movie that treats its main subject with warmth and heart. | A 10-year-old girl moves into a new neighborhood and decides to dress like a boy. |
Gods and Monsters | 1998 | Gods and Monsters is a spellbinding, confusing piece of semi-fiction, featuring fine performances; McKellen leads the way, but Redgrave and Fraser don’t lag far behind. | In the film, retired Hollywood director James Whale forms a unique connection with his new gardener, Clayton Boone, sparking intrigue beyond his usual dalliances. Meanwhile, his disapproving housekeeper observes their evolving relationship amid Whale’s declining health and his past successes as a filmmaker. |
Dog Day Afternoon | 1975 | Framed by great work from director Sidney Lumet and fueled by a gripping performance from Al Pacino, Dog Day Afternoon offers a finely detailed snapshot of people in crisis with tension-soaked drama shaded in black humor. | In “Dog Day Afternoon,” Sonny Wortzik and Sal Naturile botch a bank robbery, leading to a tense hostage situation in Brooklyn. As media attention and FBI involvement intensify, Sonny’s true motives surface amidst the chaos, culminating in a dramatic standoff with law enforcement. |
Good Manners | 2017 | Good Manners adroitly juggles disparate tonal shifts while taking a uniquely smart and sensitive look at female relationships. | A mysterious and wealthy woman hires a lonely nurse named Clara to be the nanny of her soon-to-be born child. |
Pariah | 2011 | Pulsing with authenticity and led by a stirring lead performance from Adepero Oduye, Pariah is a powerful coming out/coming-of-age film that signals the arrival of a fresh new talent in writer/director Dee Rees. | “Pariah” follows Alike, a teenage lesbian living in Brooklyn, as she navigates her identity while keeping it hidden from her family, who are dealing with their own issues. Alike seeks her first romantic relationship while grappling with how much she can trust her family. When her mother encourages her to befriend a colleague’s daughter, Alike finds solace in the new friendship. |
Heavenly Creatures | 1994 | Dark, stylish, and captivating, Heavenly Creatures signals both the auspicious debut of Kate Winslet and the arrival of Peter Jackson as more than just a cult director. | “Heavenly Creatures,” wealthy and precocious teenager Juliet transfers to New Zealand and forms a close bond with the quiet Pauline through their love of Mario Lanza and games of make-believe. As their friendship intensifies, their parents grow concerned, leading the girls to plan to run away to America. However, their plan takes a dark turn as they hatch a scheme to deal with those who try to keep them apart. |
Weekend | 2011 | It may be a chamber piece but Weekend’s revelations on modern sexuality expand far beyond the modest setting. | A gay man’s weekend-long encounter with an artist changes his life in unexpected ways. |
Appropriate Behavior | 2014 | Warm, funny, and quietly profound, Appropriate Behavior serves as a thoroughly compelling calling card for writer, director, and star Desiree Akhavan. | Desiree Akhavan, a Brooklynite with a traditional Persian upbringing, grapples with her bisexuality in secrecy while facing the unraveling of her relationship with girlfriend Rebecca Henderson. |
Princess Cyd | 2017 | Princess Cyd defies coming-of-age convention to offer a sweetly understated – yet deeply resonant – look at pivotal relationships. | A 16-year-old girl visits her aunt in Chicago for the summer. While there, she falls for another girl, and she and her aunt challenge each other’s sex and spirit. |
Being 17 | 2016 | Being 17 rides the roiling emotions of adolescence through a coming-of-age melodrama whose narrative turbulence smartly reflects the confusion of its protagonists. | When his mother takes in a bully whose own mother is ill, the son of a soldier must learn to live with the boy who terrorized him. |
Call Me by Your Name | 2017 | Call Me by Your Name offers a melancholy, powerfully affecting portrait of first love, empathetically acted by Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer. | In the summer of 1983, 17-year-old Elio Perlman spends his days at his family’s villa in Lombardy, Italy. He meets Oliver, a doctoral student interning for Elio’s father, and they experience the intoxicating allure of newfound desire against the backdrop of sunlit splendor, a summer that changes their lives forever. |
The Power of the Dog | 2021 | Brought to life by a stellar ensemble led by Benedict Cumberbatch, The Power of the Dog reaffirms writer-director Jane Campion as one of her generation’s finest filmmakers. | In 1925 Montana, Phil Burbank, a striking figure with pale eyes, exudes a captivating yet brutal charm. He and his brother George, wealthy ranchers, encounter Rose and her son Peter at the Red Mill restaurant. Phil’s cruelty reduces them to tears, amusing his companions except for George, who later marries Rose. Phil’s behavior towards Rose takes on a haunting quality, while his treatment of Peter oscillates between mockery and apparent mentorship. Yet, it remains uncertain whether Phil’s actions signal a vulnerability or escalate the threat he poses. |
Carol | 2015 | Shaped by Todd Haynes’ deft direction and powered by a strong cast led by Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, Carol lives up to its groundbreaking source material. | In 1950s Manhattan, aspiring photographer Therese encounters the elegant Carol among the doll displays of a department store. Their fast bond blossoms into a love fraught with complex consequences. |
A Fantastic Woman | 2017 | Subtle and tender, A Fantastic Woman handles its timely, sensitive subject matter with care. | A transgender singer faces scorn and discrimination after the sudden death of her older boyfriend. |
Fire Island | 2022 | Brought to life by a tremendously talented cast, the breezily entertaining Fire Island proves there are still fresh ways to update Austen. | In Andrew Ahn’s “Fire Island,” set in the iconic Pines, a modern rom-com unfolds, celebrating queerness and romance with a diverse cast. Inspired by Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” best friends (played by Joel Kim Booster and Bowen Yang) embark on a summer adventure fueled by cheap rosé and their quirky group of friends. |
Behind the Candelabra | 2013 | Affectionate without sacrificing honesty, Behind the Candelabra couples award-worthy performances from Michael Douglas and Matt Damon with some typically sharp direction from Steven Soderbergh. | In the biographical drama “Behind the Candelabra,” world-renowned pianist Liberace enters into a romantic relationship with his much younger lover, Scott Thorson. However, their bond weakens as Liberace indulges in affairs and Thorson battles drug addiction. |
The Duke of Burgundy | 2014 | Stylish, sensual, and smart, The Duke of Burgundy proves that erotic cinema can have genuine substance. | Two entomologists play ritual games of dominance and subservience. |
Stranger by the Lake | 2013 | Sexy, smart, and darkly humorous, Stranger by the Lake offers rewarding viewing for adult filmgoers in search of thought-provoking drama. | Franck falls in love with Michel, an attractive, potent and lethally dangerous man. |
The Crying Game | 1992 | The Crying Game is famous for its shocking twist, but this thoughtful, haunting mystery grips the viewer from start to finish. | In “The Crying Game,” IRA member Fergus forms a bond with a kidnapped British soldier, Jody, leading him to promise a visit to Jody’s girlfriend, Dil. Fleeing to London, Fergus becomes entangled with Dil, facing challenges from his IRA past and unexpected revelations about Dil’s identity. |
The Normal Heart | 2014 | Thanks to Emmy-worthy performances from a reputable cast, The Normal Heart is not only a powerful, heartbreaking drama, but also a vital document of events leading up to and through the early AIDS crisis. | In 1980s New York, a writer and his friends confront the truth about the emerging AIDS crisis, striving to expose it to the government and the gay community. |
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert | 1994 | While its premise is ripe for comedy — and it certainly delivers its fair share of laughs — Priscilla is also a surprisingly tender and thoughtful road movie with some outstanding performances. | In the film ‘The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert’, drag queen Anthony invites cross-dresser Adam and transsexual Bernadette to join him on a journey across the Australian desert in a colorful bus named Priscilla. As they perform and encounter both supportive audiences and hostile locals, tensions arise when secrets about Anthony’s motives surface, jeopardizing their act and their bond. |
Everything Everywhere All at Once | 2022 | Led by an outstanding Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All at Once lives up to its title with an expertly calibrated assault on the senses. | Tax evasion takes a wild turn in this sci-fi comedy by Daniels, where Michelle Yeoh stars as an exhausted Chinese American woman battling not just the IRS, but also bizarre sci-fi obstacles in a hilarious and big-hearted adventure. |
Milk | 2008 | Anchored by Sean Penn’s powerhouse performance, Milk is a triumphant account of America’s first openly gay man elected to public office. | 1972, Harvey Milk and his partner move to San Francisco. Milk opens a camera shop in the Castro District, contributing to its LGBTQ community. In 1977, he becomes the first openly gay man elected to public office. Tragically, he’s murdered by Dan White in 1978. |
Love Is Strange | 2014 | Held aloft by remarkable performances from John Lithgow and Alfred Molina, Love Is Strange serves as a graceful tribute to the beauty of commitment in the face of adversity. | After losing their home, a recently married gay couple, portrayed by John Lithgow and Alfred Molina, are forced to live apart. |
Farewell, My Queen | 2012 | Farewell, My Queen transcends its gaudy period trappings to offer an affecting historical drama built on timeless – and timely – themes. | Marie Antoinette develops a relationship with a reader during the last days of the French Revolution. |
Title | Year | Critics Consensus | Starring | Directed By |
The Fallout | 2021 | Empathetic and well-acted, The Fallout uses the aftermath of teen trauma to grapple with the experience of grief. | Jenna Ortega, Maddie Ziegler, Niles Fitch, Will Ropp | Megan Park |
Blue Jean | 2022 | Bridging times past with issues that are still current, Blue Jean resonates intellectually and emotionally thanks to thoughtful direction and authentic performances. | Rosy McEwen, Kerrie Hayes, Lydia Page, Stacy Abalogun | Georgia Oakley |
My Name Is Pauli Murray | 2021 | My Name Is Pauli Murray educates and uplifts in equal measure while paying stirring tribute to a largely unsung — yet hugely important — individual. | Patricia Bell-Scott, Dolores Chandler, Brittney Cooper | Betsy West, Julie Cohen |
The Way He Looks | 2014 | Compassionate, emotionally detailed, and populated with resonant characters, The Way He Looks leaves a warmth that lingers. | Ghilherme Lobo, Fábio Audi, Tess Amorim, Selma Egrei | Daniel Ribeiro |
Dallas Buyers Club | 2013 | Dallas Buyers Club rests squarely on Matthew McConaughey’s scrawny shoulders, and he carries the burden gracefully with what might be a career-best performance. | Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto, Denis O’Hare | Jean-Marc Vallée |
Love, Simon | 2018 | Love, Simon hits its coming-of-age beats more deftly than many entries in this well-traveled genre — and represents an overdue, if not entirely successful, milestone of inclusion. | Nick Robinson, Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Garner, Tony Hale | Greg Berlanti |
The Kids Are All Right | 2010 | Worthwhile as both a well-acted ensemble piece and as a smart, warm statement on family values, The Kids Are All Right is remarkable. | Julianne Moore, Annette Bening, Mark Ruffalo, Mia Wasikowska | Lisa Cholodenko |
Pride | 2014 | Earnest without being didactic and uplifting without stooping to sentimentality, Pride is a joyous crowd-pleaser that genuinely works. | Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West, Paddy Considine | Matthew Warchus |
Hedwig and the Angry Inch | 2001 | Hedwig and the Angry Inch may very well be the next Rocky Horror midnight movie. It not only knows how to rock, but Hedwig’s story has an emotional poignancy. | John Cameron Mitchell, Michael Pitt, Miriam Shor, Stephen Trask | John Cameron Mitchell |
Swan Song | 2021 | Udo Kier’s layered performance lends Swan Song a nuance and poignancy that offset its potentially outlandish story. | Udo Kier, Jennifer Coolidge, Linda Evans, Michael Urie | Todd Stephens |
The Watermelon Woman | 1996 | An auspicious debut for writer-director Cheryl Dunye, The Watermelon Woman tells a fresh story in wittily irreverent style. | Cheryl Dunye, Guinevere Turner, Valarie Walker, Lisa Marie Bronson | Cheryl Dunye |
Summertime | 2015 | Summertime (La Belle Saison) presents a well-acted, beautifully framed period romance that offers a refreshing perspective on its era in the bargain. | Cécile De France, Izïa Higelin, Noémie Lvovsky, Kévin Azaïs | Catherine Corsini |
Unpregnant | 2020 | Unpregnant puts a compelling twist on the road trip comedy — and treats its sensitive subject with heart. | Haley Lu Richardson, Barbie Ferreira, Giancarlo Esposito, Alex MacNicoll | Rachel Lee Goldenberg |
Cabaret | 1972 | Great performances and evocative musical numbers help Cabaret secure its status as a stylish, socially conscious classic. | Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey, Michael York, Helmut Griem | Bob Fosse |
Grandma | 2015 | Boasting a stellar performance from Lily Tomlin and some powerfully empathetic work from writer-director Paul Weitz, Grandma is a dramedy that shouldn’t have to ask you to visit. | Lily Tomlin, Julia Garner, Marcia Gay Harden, Judy Greer | Paul Weitz |
We’re All Going to the World’s Fair | 2021 | Narratively challenging and visually haunting, We’re All Going to the World’s Fair adds a uniquely ambitious and unsettling entry to the crowded coming-of-age genre. | Anna Cobb, Michael J. Rogers | Jane Schoenbrun |
Show Me Love | 1998 | A naturalistic depiction of teenage life, Show Me Love has a charming, authentic feel. | Alexandra Dahlström, Rebecca Liljeberg, Erica Carlson, Mathias Rust | Lukas Moodysson |
The Imitation Game | 2014 | With an outstanding starring performance from Benedict Cumberbatch illuminating its fact-based story, The Imitation Game serves as an eminently well-made entry in the “prestige biopic” genre. | Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Rory Kinnear | Morten Tyldum |
Titane | 2021 | Thrillingly provocative and original, Titane reaffirms writer-director Julia Ducournau’s delightfully disturbing vision. | Agathe Rousselle, Vincent Lindon, Garance Marillier, Laïs Salameh | Julia Ducournau |
Passing | 2021 | While Passing’s delicate approach has a dampening effect on its story, debuting director Rebecca Hall makes the most of an impressive cast — and handles thorny themes with impressive dexterity. | Tessa Thompson, Ruth Negga, André Holland, Alexander Skarsgård | Rebecca Hall |
Supernova | 2020 | Led by moving performances from Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci, Supernova is a heartbreaking look at the emotional toll that comes with accepting mortality. | Colin Firth, Stanley Tucci, Pippa Haywood, Peter MacQueen | Harry Macqueen |
My Summer of Love | 2004 | My Summer of Love is a moody, bittersweet love story featuring outstanding performances from the leads. | Natalie Press, Emily Blunt, Paddy Considine, Dean Andrews | Paul Pavlikovsky |
Title | Year | Critics Consensus | Starring | Directed By |
Boys Don’t Cry | 1999 | Harrowing yet stirring, Boys Don’t Cry powerfully commemorates the life — and brutally unjust death — of transgender teen Brandon Teena. | Hilary Swank, Chloë Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard, Brendan Sexton III | Kimberly Peirce |
Anaïs in Love | 2021 | The main character may be hard to like, but Anaïs in Love offers a well-acted and breezily humorous take on its admittedly well-worn themes. | Anaïs Demoustier, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Denis Podalydès, Jean-Charles Clichet | Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet |
Keep the Lights On | 2012 | Keep the Lights On is a mysterious, sexy journey deep into the love affair of two men that always manages to stay true to life. | Thure Lindhardt, Zachary Booth, Julianne Nicholson, Paprika Steen | Ira Sachs |
Bros | 2022 | Bros marks a step forward in rom-com representation — and just as importantly, it’s a whole bunch of fun to watch. | Billy Eichner, Luke Macfarlane, TS Madison, Monica Raymund | Nicholas Stoller |
Bound | 1996 | Bound’s more titillating elements attracted attention, but it’s the stylish direction, solid performances, and entertaining neo-noir caper plot that make it worth a watch. | Jennifer Tilly, Gina Gershon, Joe Pantoliano, Barry Kivel | Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski |
Brokeback Mountain | 2005 | A beautiful, epic Western, Brokeback Mountain’s love story is imbued with heartbreaking universality thanks to moving performances by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. | Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Linda Cardellini, Anna Faris | Ang Lee |
Blue Is the Warmest Color | 2013 | Raw, honest, powerfully acted, and deliciously intense, Blue Is the Warmest Color offers some of modern cinema’s most elegantly composed, emotionally absorbing drama. | Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Salim Kechiouche, Mona Walravens | Abdel Kechiche |
Bad Education | 2004 | A layered, wonderfully-acted, and passionate drama. | Fele Martínez, Gael García Bernal, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Lluís Homar | Pedro Almodóvar |
Fear Street Part Three: 1666 | 2021 | Fear Street Part Three: 1666 sends the slasher series back in time for a trilogy-concluding installment that caps things off on a screaming high note. | Kiana Madeira, Ashley Zukerman, Gillian Jacobs, Olivia Welch | Leigh Janiak |
Professor Marston & The Wonder Women | 2017 | Professor Marston & The Wonder Women winds a lasso of cinematic truth around a fascinating fact-based tale with strong performances from its three stars. | Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, Bella Heathcote, Connie Britton | Angela Robinson |
Saving Face | 2004 | A charming tale of a love affair that overcomes cultural taboos. | Michelle Krusiec, Joan Chen, Lynn Chen, Jessica Hecht | Alice Wu |
A Single Man | 2009 | Though the costumes are beautiful and the art direction impeccable, what stands out most from this debut by fashion designer Tom Ford is the leading performance by Colin Firth. | Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Nicholas Hoult, Matthew Goode | Tom Ford |
Mysterious Skin | 2004 | Bold performances and sensitive, spot-on direction make watching this difficult tale of trauma and abuse a thought-provoking, resonant experience. | Brady Corbet, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michelle Trachtenberg, Jeff Licon | Gregg Araki |
Circumstance | 2011 | A thought-provoking, insightful look into Iranian youth culture. | Nikohl Boosheri, Sarah Kazemy, Reza Sixo Safai, Soheil Parsa | Maryam Keshavarz |
Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood | 2017 | Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood offers plenty of prurient thrills for film fans, but beyond the gossip lies a poignantly illuminating look at decades of sexual mores. | Scotty Bowers, Peter Bart, Stephen Fry, Tony Charmoli | Matt Tyrnauer |
The Five Devils | 2022 | Overflowing with ideas as it moves across genres, The Five Devils uses intoxicating magical realism to explore a family’s troubled past. | Adèle Exarchopoulos, Sally Dramé, Swala Emati, Moustapha Mbengue | Léa Mysius |
Yossi & Jagger | 2002 | A tersely told yet deeply felt romance. | Yehuda Levi, Ohad Knoller, Assi Cohen, Aya Koren | Eytan Fox |
Mulholland Dr. | 2001 | David Lynch’s dreamlike and mysterious Mulholland Drive is a twisty neo-noir with an unconventional structure that features a mesmerizing performance from Naomi Watts as a woman on the dark fringes of Hollywood. | Justin Theroux, Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Ann Miller | David Lynch |
Beginners | 2010 | Wearing its twee heart on its sleeve, Beginners explores the depths of modern, multi-generational romance with wit and depth. | Ewan McGregor, Christopher Plummer, Mélanie Laurent, Goran Visnjic | Mike Mills |
Old Joy | 2006 | A serene, melancholy beauty permeates this meditative portrait of deep friendship and faded glory. | Will Oldham, Daniel London, Tanya Smith, Robin Rosenberg | Kelly Reichardt |
Other People | 2016 | Other People resists easy melodrama, rewarding viewers with a smart, subtle look at family dynamics with a talented cast and a finely calibrated blend of funny and serious moments. | Jesse Plemons, Molly Shannon, Bradley Whitford, Maude Apatow | Chris Kelly |
Battle of the Sexes | 2017 | Battle of the Sexes turns real-life events into a crowd-pleasing, well-acted dramedy that ably entertains while smartly serving up a volley of present-day parallels. | Emma Stone, Steve Carell, Andrea Riseborough, Natalie Morales | Valerie Faris, Jonathan Dayton |
Benedetta | 2021 | Precariously walking a tightrope of varying genres and tones, Benedetta provokes salient questions about sexual freedom and its relationship to faith. | Virginie Efira, Charlotte Rampling, Lambert Wilson, Daphne Patakia | Paul Verhoeven |
Beach Rats | 2017 | Empathetic and powerfully acted, Beach Rats takes a clear-eyed yet dreamlike look at a young man’s adolescent turmoil. | Harris Dickinson, Madeline Weinstein, Kate Hodge, Nicole Flyus | Eliza Hittman |
Chuck & Buck | 2000 | As poignant as it is unsettling, Chuck & Buck uses the complex dynamic between two men as fuel for untangling a rich assortment of thought-provoking themes. | Mike White, Chris Weitz, Lupe Ontiveros, Beth Colt | Miguel Arteta |
Laurence Anyways | 2012 | Passionate and powerfully acted, Laurence Anyways sometimes strains to achieve its narrative ambitions (and fill its three-hour running time), but ultimately succeeds. | Melvil Poupaud, Suzanne Clément, Nathalie Baye, Monia Chokri | Xavier Dolan |
Handsome Devil | 2016 | Handsome Devil offers a charming, well-acted variation on the coming-of-age story with a few fresh topical twists. | Fionn O’Shea, Nicholas Galitzine, Andrew Scott, Moe Dunford | John Butler |
Happy Together | 1997 | Happy Together’s strong sense of style complements its slice of life love story, even if the narrative slogs. | Leslie Cheung, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Chang Chen, Gregory Dayton | Kar-Wai Wong |
The Birdcage | 1996 | Mike Nichols wrangles agreeably amusing performances from Robin Williams and Nathan Lane in this fun, if not quite essential, remake of the French comedy La Cage aux Folles. | Robin Williams, Gene Hackman, Nathan Lane, Dianne Wiest | Mike Nichols |
Happiest Season | 2020 | A jolly good time with heartfelt performances and more than enough holiday cheer, all you’ll want for Christmas is Happiest Season. | Kristen Stewart, Mackenzie Davis, Mary Steenburgen, Victor Garber | Clea Duvall |
Water Lilies | 2007 | Water Lilies is a sharply-observed, provocative coming-of-age story that captures the anxieties of the early teen years. | Pauline Acquart, Louise Blachère, Adèle Haenel, Warren Jacquin | Céline Sciamma |
Monster | 2003 | Charlize Theron gives a searing, deglamorized performance as real life serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, an intense, disquieting portrait of a profoundly damaged soul. | Charlize Theron, Christina Ricci, Bruce Dern, Scott Wilson | Patty Jenkins |
Knife + Heart | 2018 | Knife + Heart wrings giallo-inspired thrills out of a boldly challenging story that defiantly succeeds on its own stylish merits. | Vanessa Paradis, Nicolas Maury, Kate Moran, Jonathan Genet | Yann Gonzalez |
Philadelphia | 1993 | Philadelphia indulges in some unfortunate clichés in its quest to impart a meaningful message, but its stellar cast and sensitive direction are more than enough to compensate. | Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Jason Robards, Antonio Banderas | Jonathan Demme |
The Old Guard | 2020 | The Old Guard is occasionally restricted by genre conventions, but director Gina Prince-Bythewood brings a sophisticated vision to the superhero genre – and some knockout action sequences led by Charlize Theron. | Charlize Theron, Chiwetel Ejiofor, KiKi Layne, Matthias Schoenaerts | Gina Prince-Bythewood |
My Own Private Idaho | 1991 | A tantalizing glimpse of a talented director and his stars all at the top of their respective games, Gus Van Sant’s loose reworking of Henry IV is smart, sad and audacious. | River Phoenix, Keanu Reeves, James Russo, William Richert | Gus Van Sant |
G.B.F. | 2013 | G.B.F. explores high school relationship dynamics and teen stereotypes with a refreshingly humorous touch – and surprisingly subtle smarts. | Michael J. Willett, Paul Iacono, Sasha Pieterse, Andrea Bowen | Darren Stein |
Framing Agnes | 2022 | Framing Agnes may be frustratingly uneven as a work of cinematic storytelling, but that’s often outweighed by its thoughtful expansion of established historical narrative. | Angelica Ross, Jen Richards, Zackary Drucker, Max Valerio | Chase Joynt |
The Hours | 2002 | The movie may be a downer, but it packs an emotional wallop. Some fine acting on display here. | Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Ed Harris | Stephen Daldry |
The Rocky Horror Picture Show | 1975 | Rocky Horror Picture Show brings its quirky characters in tight, but it’s the narrative thrust that really drives audiences insane and keeps ’em doing the time warp again. | Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richard O’Brien | Jim Sharman |
Get Real | 1998 | An authentic portrayal of homosexuality in high school, Get Real is an engaging dramedy that doesn’t sermonize its audience nor trivialize its characters. | Ben Silverstone, Brad Gorton, Charlotte Brittain, Stacy Hart | Simon Shore |
The Intervention | 2016 | The Intervention’s familiar plot is enlivened by complex character dynamics and a likable cast. | Clea Duvall, Melanie Lynskey, Natasha Lyonne, Vincent Piazza | Clea Duvall |
Transamerica | 2005 | A terrific performance by Felicity Huffman carries this unconventional but touching transgender road movie. | Felicity Huffman, Kevin Zegers, Fionnula Flanagan, Graham Greene | Duncan Tucker |
Uncle Frank | 2020 | Uncle Frank finds writer-director Alan Ball still untangling the modern American family dynamic, aided by standout work from Paul Bettany and Sophia Lillis. | Paul Bettany, Sophia Lillis, Peter Macdissi, Steve Zahn | Alan Ball |
Outrage | 2009 | Outrage walks a difficult moral and ethical line — and not always successfully — but despite its flaws, it’s a fascinating, provocative look at homosexuality in American politics. | Kirby Dick | – |
High Art | 1998 | A surprisingly sultry performance from Ally Sheedy elevates High Art from pretentious melodrama to compelling — if still a little pretentious — romance. | Ally Sheedy, Radha Mitchell, Patricia Clarkson, Tammy Grimes | Lisa Cholodenko |
The World to Come | 2020 | The World to Come is made from ingredients that will be familiar to fans of period forbidden romance movies, but they’re given fresh life thanks to an excellent cast. | Katherine Waterston, Vanessa Kirby, Casey Affleck, Christopher Abbott | Mona Fastvold |
Title | Year | Critics Consensus | Starring | Directed By |
Go Fish | 1994 | With sensitive direction from Rose Troche and terrific work from co-writer/star Guinevere Turner, Go Fish plays a winning hand. | V.S. Brodie, Guinevere Turner, T. Wendy McMillan, Migdalia Melendez | Rose Troche |
Concussion | 2013 | Smart, nuanced, and sexy, Concussion transcends its more awkward moments thanks to Robin Weigert’s remarkable starring performance. | Robin Weigert, Maggie Siff, Daniel London, Ben Shenkman | Stacie Passon |
Before Night Falls | 2000 | An impressionistic, fragmented look at Reinaldo Arenas, Before Night Falls’ imagery manages to evoke a sense of the writer’s artistry, and Bardem’s strong performance holds the film together. Finally, a biopic done well. | Javier Bardem, Olivier Martinez, Andrea Di Stefano, Johnny Depp | Julian Schnabel |
Heartbeats | 2010 | An art film to the max, Heartbeats intriguing and appealing premise is sometimes buried by director Xavier Dolan’s filmmaking flourishes. | Niels Schneider, Xavier Dolan, Monia Chokri, Anne Dorval | Xavier Dolan |
I Love You Phillip Morris | 2009 | This fact-based romantic comedy has its flaws, but they’re mostly overcome by its consistently sweet, funny tone and one of the best performances of Jim Carrey’s career. | Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor, Leslie Mann, Rodrigo Santoro | Glenn Ficarra, John Requa |
Monster | 2023 | Gently devastating in its compassion, Monster is a masterpiece of shifting perspectives that surprises to the end. | Sakura Andô, Eita Nagayama, Soya Kurokawa, Mitsuki Takahata | Hirokazu Koreeda |
C.R.A.Z.Y. | 2005 | Balancing heart and humor against outstanding work from a talented cast, C.R.A.Z.Y. proves the coming-of-age formula can still produce powerful results. | Michel Côté, Marc-André Grondin, Danielle Proulx, Pierre-Luc Brillant | Jean-Marc Vallée |
Victim | 1961 | Further elevated by a strong central performance from Dirk Bogarde, Victim offers an eloquent and emotionally affecting argument against prejudice. | Dirk Bogarde, Sylvia Syms, Dennis Price, Nigel Stock | Basil Dearden |
Portrait of Jason | 1967 | Like any great work of art, Portrait of Jason tells a story that reaches far beyond its canvas in the act of illuminating its subject. | Shirley Clarke | |
Signature Move | 2017 | No consensus yet. | Fawzia Mirza, Shabana Azmi, Sari Sanchez, Audrey Francis | Jennifer Reeder |
Victor/Victoria | 1982 | Driven by a fantastic lead turn from Julie Andrews, Blake Edwards’ musical gender-bender is sharp, funny and all-round entertaining. | Julie Andrews, James Garner, Robert Preston, Lesley Ann Warren | Blake Edwards |
The Celluloid Closet | 1996 | The Celluloid Closet takes a thought-provoking look at the decades of omission and misrepresentation endured by the gay community in mainstream cinema. | Lily Tomlin, Antonio Banderas, Susie Bright, Quentin Crisp | Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman |
In the Family | 2011 | In the Family uses one couple’s tragedy to examine the legal meaning of parenthood – and make a persuasive argument for a more inclusive approach to family law. | Patrick Wang, Sebastian Banes, Trevor St. John, Lisa Altomare | Patrick Wang |
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson | 2017 | The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson uses its belated investigation into an activist’s murder as the framework for a sobering look at the ongoing battle for equal rights. | James Abreu, Victoria Cruz, Karla Jay, Agosto Machado | David France |
The Wedding Banquet | 1993 | Ang Lee’s funny and ultimately poignant comedy of manners reveals the filmmaker’s skill across genres. | Winston Chao, May Chin, Mitchell Lichtenstein, Sihung Lung | Ang Lee |
The Times of Harvey Milk | 1984 | True to its title, The Times of Harvey Milk looks back on the life of the titular politician and activist — and the era he helped define with his trailblazing career. | Harvey Fierstein, Harvey Milk, Anne Kronenberg, Tory Hartmann | Rob Epstein |
The Stroll | 2023 | A call to life and the ever-necessary visibility of a once-silenced community, The Stroll serves as a brilliant beacon of hope and resilience for trans women of color. | Zackary Drucker, Kristen Lovell | |
The Queen | 1968 | Celebrating its subjects without ever losing sight of their story, The Queen is a fascinating time capsule that has only gained resonance since its release. | Jack Doroshow, Andy Warhol | Francis Simon |
Southern Comfort | 2001 | No consensus yet. | Kate Davis | |
Chris & Don: A Love Story | 2007 | Chris and Don paints an affecting, enlightening portrait of a one-of-a-kind love affair. | James Berg, John Boorman, Paul Bowles, Don Bachardy | Tina Mascara, Guido Santi |
Before Stonewall | 1984 | No consensus yet. | Rita Mae Brown, Allen Ginsberg, Harry Hay, Frank Kameny | Greta Schiller |
Straight Up | 2019 | Well-acted and sharply written, Straight Up serves as an effervescent calling card for writer/director/star James Sweeney. | Randall Park, Katie Findlay, Betsy Brandt, Tracie Thoms | James Sweeney |
My Life in Pink | 1997 | Ma Vie en Rose follows a child’s exploration of their gender identity with warmth and empathy — for its young protagonist as well as the family affected by their journey. | Michèle Laroque, Jean-Philippe Écoffey, Hélène Vincent, Georges Du Fresne | Alain Berliner |
Beautiful Thing | 1996 | An engaging slice of life drama that happens to double as a gay coming-of-age story, Beautiful Thing captures its place and time with deceptive depth and skill. | Linda Henry, Glen Berry, Scott Neal, Ben Daniels | Hettie MacDonald |
Passages | 2023 | Elevated by a remarkable Franz Rogowski performance, Passages adds another smart, deeply humanistic film to director Ira Sachs’ estimable filmography. | Franz Rogowski, Ben Whishaw, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Erwan Kepoa Falé | Ira Sachs |
Title | Year | Critics Consensus | Starring | Directed By |
Longtime Companion | 1990 | Longtime Companion is a sensitive ensemble AIDS drama, lensed with sympathy which builds to a moving finale. | Bruce Davison, Campbell Scott, Stephen Caffrey, Mark Lamos | Norman René |
The Wild Boys | 2017 | Debuting writer-director Bertrand Mandico’s The Wild Boys impresses with the breadth of its ambitions — and the skill with which they’re often triumphantly realized. | Christophe Bier, Pauline Lorillard, Sam Louwyck, Elina Löwensohn | Bertrand Mandico |
Gayby | 2012 | No consensus yet. | Jenn Harris, Matthew Wilkas, Charlie Barnett, Samantha Buck | Jonathan Lisecki |
First Girl I Loved | 2016 | Intelligent, empathetic, and well-acted, First Girl I Loved explores teen romance from a refreshing – and emotionally resonant – perspective. | Brianna Hildebrand, Pamela Adlon, Dylan Gelula, Mateo Arias | Kirun Sanga |
The Boys in the Band | 1970 | No consensus yet. | Cliff Gorman, Leonard Frey, Peter White, Kenneth Nelson | William Friedkin |
Desert Hearts | 1985 | No consensus yet. | Helen Shaver, Patricia Charbonneau, Audra Lindley, Andra Akers | Donna Deitch |
Fire | 1996 | Fire takes a slow-burning approach to its exploration of illicit love, trading overwhelming heat for a seductive warmth that lingers. | Shabana Azmi, Nandita Das, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Jaaved Jaafei | Deepa Mehta |
The Persian Version | 2023 | A vibrant portrait of culture clashes and generation gaps, The Persian Version gains added resonance through its spirited specificity. | Layla Mohammadi, Niousha Noor, Kamand Shafieisabet, Bijan Daneshmand | Maryam Keshavarz |
Undertow | 2009 | A drama as beautifully filmed as it is finely detailed, Undertow is a wonderfully unique love story with a touch of magic. | Cristian Mercado, Tatiana Astengo, Manolo Cardona, Atilia Boschetti | Javier Fuentes-León |
Born in Flames | 1983 | No consensus yet. | Honey, Adele Bertei, Jean Satterfield, Florynce Kennedy | Lizzie Borden |
All Over Me | 1996 | All Over Me takes a serious, sensitive approach to teen lives and romantic relationships that are all too often ignored or misunderstood. | Alison Folland, Tara Subkoff, Cole Hauser, Wilson Cruz | Alex Sichel |
I Killed My Mother | 2009 | I Killed My Mother’s raw, blunt coming-of-age narrative marks an impressive debut for filmmaker Xavier Dolan. | Anne Dorval, Xavier Dolan, François Arnaud, Suzanne Clément | Xavier Dolan |
Kiss of the Spider Woman | 1985 | Kiss of the Spider Woman weaves an alluring exploration of sexual and societal norms that’s further elevated by strong work from William Hurt and Raul Julia. | William Hurt, Raul Julia, Sonia Braga, José Lewgoy | Hector Babenco |
Black White & Gray | 2007 | Vital documentation of an unsung 70’s art patron and his famous photographer lover. A vivid and tragic story. | Joan Juliet Buck | James Crump |
Margarita, with a Straw | 2014 | Elevated by a unique perspective and a magnetic lead performance, Margarita with a Straw puts some welcome spins on the coming-of-age genre. | Kalki Koechlin, Revathi, Sayani Gupta, Hussain Dalal | Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar |
Beautiful Boxer | 2004 | Beautiful Boxer blends boxing and identity politics to create a striking, if overdrawn, portrait of self discovery. | Asanee Suwan, Sorapong Chatree, Kyôko Inoue, Sitiporn Niyom | Ekachai Uekrongtham |
Kiki | 2016 | Kiki compassionately captures a scene on the social margins, offering — and demanding — respect and empathy for people to whom it’s too often denied. | Sara Jordenö | |
Lovesong | 2016 | Wise, well-acted, and emotionally resonant, Lovesong explores emotionally resonant themes through the ups and downs of the bond between two women. | Jena Malone, Riley Keough, Brooklyn Decker, Ryan Eggold | So-yong Kim |
North Sea Texas | 2011 | Strong direction and delicate performances save Noordzee, Texas from its narrative cliches. | Eva van der Gucht, Thomas Coumans, Katelijne Damen, Jelle Florizoone | Bavo Defurne |
Closet Monster | 2015 | Closet Monster is a unique, understated fable, buoyed by a strong performance from Connor Jessup. | Connor Jessup, Aaron Abrams, Isabella Rossellini, Joanne Kelly | Stephen Dunn |
Funny Boy | 2020 | No consensus yet. | Agam Darshi, Nimmi Harasgama, Ali Kazmi, Seema Biswas | Deepa Mehta |
Maurice | 1987 | Maurice sensitively explores the ramifications of forbidden desire with a powerful love story brought to life by the outstanding efforts of a talented cast. | James Wilby, Hugh Grant, Rupert Graves, Denholm Elliott | James Ivory |
Alex Strangelove | 2018 | Alex Strangelove offers a refreshingly insightful — and fittingly adult — take on teen sexuality enlivened by smart humor and a fearlessly progressive approach. | Daniel Doheny, Madeline Weinstein, Antonio Marziale, Joanna P. Adler | Craig Johnson |
Holding the Man | 2015 | Heart-wrenching performances center Holding the Man, an achingly beautiful portrayal of love and death that may be too real for some. | Sarah Snook, Guy Pearce, Geoffrey Rush, Anthony LaPaglia | Neil Armfield |
Lianna | 1983 | No consensus yet. | Linda Griffiths, Jane Hallaren, Jon DeVries | John Sayles |
Edge of Seventeen | 1998 | A time capsule assembled with honesty and sensitivity, Edge of Seventeen overcomes youthful fumbles to capture a time of life — and an era. | Chris Stafford, Tina Holmes, Andersen Gabrych, Stephanie McVay | David Moreton |
Trick | 1999 | By portraying its love story as nothing less than conventional, Trick avoids genre tropes to create a simple, effective romance. | Christian Campbell, J.P. Pitoc, Tori Spelling, Steve Hayes | Jim Fall |
Crush | 2022 | Some of the writing is stilted and the execution is occasionally uneven, but Crush’s central love story is easy to fall for. | Rowan Blanchard, Auli’i Cravalho, Isabella Ferreira, Tyler Alvarez | Sammi Cohen |
Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss | 1998 | Insubstantial yet charming, Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss tells a love story that’s as rooted in classic Hollywood as it is in timely themes. | Sean Hayes, Brad Rowe, Richard Ganoung, Meredith Scott Lynn | Tommy O’Haver |
Burning Money | 2000 | Burnt Money tells a stylish and steamy story about criminals on the lam. | Eduardo Noriega, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Pablo Echarri, Leticia Brédice | Marcelo Piñeyro |
Torch Song Trilogy | 1988 | No consensus yet. | Harvey Fierstein, Anne Bancroft, Matthew Broderick, Brian Kerwin | Paul Bogart |
In & Out | 1997 | It doesn’t always find comfortable ground between broad comedy and social commentary, but lively performances — especially from Kevin Kline and Joan Cusack — enrich In & Out’s mixture of laughs and sexual tolerance. | Kevin Kline, Joan Cusack, Matt Dillon, Debbie Reynolds | Frank Oz |
Personal Best | 1982 | Mariel Hemingway has a career-making star turn in this highly physical drama about two Olympic athletes who find each other during competitive training. | Mariel Hemingway, Patrice Donnelly, Scott Glenn, Kenny Moore | Robert Towne |
Strange World | 2022 | Strange World is a Disney milestone in terms of representation — but as a storytelling experience, this dazzlingly animated adventure offers little audiences haven’t already seen. | Jake Gyllenhaal, Alan Tudyk, Dennis Quaid, Jaboukie Young-White | Don Hall, Qui Nguyen |
Bent | 1997 | Bent juggles heavy topics with style, though its heavy-handedness at times feels more like exploitation than exploration. | Clive Owen, Lothaire Bluteau, Brian Webber, Ian McKellen | Sean Mathias |
Mayor Pete | 2021 | Mayor Pete may not pull back the curtain on its subject’s deepest inner self, but it remains a compelling portrait of a candidate on the campaign trail. | Pete Buttigieg, Chasten Buttigieg | Jesse Moss |
Set It Off | 1996 | It may not boast an original plot, but Set It Off is a satisfying, socially conscious heist film thanks largely to fine performances from its leads. | Jada Pinkett Smith, Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox, Blair Underwood | F. Gary Gray |
Love! Valour! Compassion! | 1997 | Sharp writing and a strong ensemble make Love! Valour! Compassion! work, though its stage-like presentation leaves something to be desired. | Jason Alexander, Randy Becker, Stephen Bogardus, John Glover | Joe Mantello |
Were the World Mine | 2008 | Charming, endearing, and a little clunky, Were the World Mine is an entertaining, if somewhat unnecessary, musical adaptation. | Tanner Cohen, Wendy Robie, Judy McLane, Zelda Williams | Tom Gustafson |
Boy Culture | 2006 | Eloquent one-liners and quick pacing make Boy Culture sharper than the typical gay indie flick. | Derek Magyar, Patrick Bauchau, Darryl Stephens, Jonathon Trent | Q. Allan Brocka |
Jeffrey | 1995 | Jeffrey offends as readily as it amuses, but an outstanding performance from Patrick Stewart keeps it from going completely off the rails. | Steven Weber, Michael T. Weiss, Irma St. Paule, Patrick Stewart | Christopher Ashley |
Ammonite | 2020 | The chemistry between Saoirse Ronan and a never-better Kate Winslet helps Ammonite transcend its period romance trappings. | Kate Winslet, Saoirse Ronan, Fiona Shaw, James McArdle | Francis Lee |
The Runaways | 2010 | Viewers expecting an in-depth biopic will be disappointed, but The Runaways is as electric as the band’s music, largely thanks to strong performances from Michael Shannon, Dakota Fanning, and Kristen Stewart. | Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning, Alia Shawkat, Scout Taylor-Compton | Floria Sigismondi |
Shortbus | 2006 | The sex may be explicit, but Mitchell integrates it into the characters’ lives and serves the whole story up with a generous dose of sweetness and wit. | Sook-Yin Lee, Paul Dawson, Lindsay Beamish, PJ DeBoy | John Cameron Mitchell |
Life Partners | 2014 | With two appealing leads adrift in a sitcom-worthy plot, Life Partners doesn’t do quite enough to earn viewers’ commitment. | Leighton Meester, Gillian Jacobs, Adam Brody, Abby Elliott | Susanna Fogel |
Strange Way of Life | 2023 | A tantalizing glimpse of the bond between two people, the well-acted Strange Way of Life adds a brief but still rewarding chapter to Pedro Almodóvar’s filmography. | Ethan Hawke, Pedro Pascal, José Condessa, Manu Rios | Pedro Almodóvar |
Princesa | 2001 | No consensus yet. | Ingrid de Souza, Cesare Bocci, Lulu Pecorari, Mauro Pirovano | Henrique Goldman |
Knock at the Cabin | 2023 | Although it’s often less than scary and parts of the story don’t bear scrutiny, Knock at the Cabin is a thought-provoking chiller and upper-tier Shyamalan. | Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird | M. Night Shyamalan |
Falling | 2020 | As messy and complex as the relationship at its center, Falling’s repetitive nature can be taxing, but its heart is clearly in the right place. | Viggo Mortensen, Lance Henriksen, Laura Linney, Sverrir Gudnason | Viggo Mortensen |
Reaching for the Moon | 2013 | Reaching for the Moon’s uptight sensibilities sometimes play more pretentious than poetic, but solid performances and sumptuous photography leave a lingering longing for love in the tropics. | Gloria Pires, Miranda Otto, Tracy Middendorf, Marcello Airoldi | Bruno Barreto |
The Danish Girl | 2015 | The Danish Girl serves as another showcase for Eddie Redmayne’s talent — and poignantly explores thought-provoking themes with a beautifully filmed biopic drama. | Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander, Ben Whishaw, Sebastian Koch | Tom Hooper |
Gun Hill Road | 2011 | Equal parts absorbing and educational, Gun Hill Road wears its heart on its sleeve through tender performances that make up for its narrative familiarity. | Esai Morales, Judy Reyes, Harmony Santana, Miriam Colon | Rashaad Ernesto Green |
Camp | 2003 | Campy comedy that squeaks by on its charms. | Daniel Letterle, Joanna Chilcoat, Tiffany Taylor, Sasha Allen | Todd Graff |
Big Eden | 2000 | Though unrealistic, Big Eden has all the charm and sweetness of a fairy tale. | Arye Gross, Eric Schweig, Tim DeKay, Louise Fletcher | Thomas Bezucha |
The Broken Hearts Club | 2000 | The Broken Hearts Club often feels like an amalgam of 70s sitcoms — though a hunky lead and a sweet central romance provide soapy delights. | Timothy Olyphant, Andrew Keegan, John Mahoney, Dean Cain | Greg Berlanti |