Health Lifestyle

40 Seriously Flexible Breastfeeding Positions Babies Doing


May 1st, 2018   |   Updated on June 25th, 2018

1. Nursing The Baby Upside Down


When you have a look at the toddler, the first thing that comes into your brain is why does all these toddlers love being upside down and perform feats while they are being fed. Well, as an outsider, you might not know this, but this is really a familiar pose to the moms who breastfeed after the infant stage.

2. Baby Face Plant

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This is the look on the mother’s face when she is exhausted and the kid is still not asleep. Like really kid? Is it the bedtime, yet?


3. Nursing Standingup

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The mom wants to get the laundry folded but the toddler is so hungry that it is turning the house upside down. So, the laundry is kept away. 

When you are planning for your first baby, there are so many things that you need to take into account. You need to get diapers, a high chair, a car seat, clothes, bibs, toys and the list goes on.

One of the most important things you need to make sure you have is the best nursery glider for your nursery. You’re going to be spending a ton of time in this chair, so you want to make sure you get the right one.

Will go through everything you need to know to find the best breastfeeding chair for your nursery, whether you want a recliner, a chair with an ottoman, or the review of best nursery glider.

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4. A Nursing Cartwheel

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The kid is so extremely tired that he decided to be a gymnurst and therefore, he is all set to do a roundoff right around the Mom!

5. Nursing Peek-a-Boo

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Who wears a sleeping mask like that? The child has covered the face with the chubby lug and not to remind you that as much cute as it appears at first, it is going to be definitely exhausting.


6. Toddler Kicking The Mom

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Knee, this is an eyeball. Eyeball, this is Knee. The forever match made between the kid’s knee and the mom’s eyeball that places the mom directly into the hell.

7. Toddler Relaxing

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Have you ever wondered whether you wanted a kid that lounges like this one? So perfect and so proficient that every limb of him has been supported by either the furniture or the mother’s body. What a comfort!


8. Nurse And Kid – Bend Down

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It is a known thing that the babies are known for sticking their bottoms out in the air as they nurse, but this has something more than that. In case if you are not sure, give it a try with your baby as you drink the latte to find out.

9. Doing A Headstand

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As the mom is assisting him, this baby is all set for a perfect headstand and if this goes like this, he might even win a gold medal in the gymnastics as well.


10. Pulling Mother’s Hair

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This is literally the best thing that could happen to the kids and the most horrible thing that could happen to the moms. As this kid pulls the mom’s hair, he also stares down at the camera simultaneously.

11. Toddler Gymnastics

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Yet again, this one is just like the famous song that keeps on saying, “She hit the floor and the next thing you know, that Mama is now low, low, low and low”

12. Distracted Breastfeeding

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The babies are sometimes crude and not at all empathetic with the mothers. While unapologetically holding on to this one, he is nursing on the four things at once.


13. Balancing Act

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This little guy has learned the act of posing in a triangle and we don’t even know why he’s doing that. But the most amusing thing is the mom in the picture being okay with it.

14. Acrobatics

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All we can say with this one is commendable. He can win a gold medal in gymnasts with the way he’s acting in this one. Amusing, ain’t it?


15. Topsy Turvy

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Well, one should remind the kid and the mom here that breathing is indeed not optional and one should not scare each other off by doing stuff like this.

16. Downward Dog

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Again similar to the first pose that has been mentioned in the picture, most of the moms stay focused on feeding the baby right that they forget the position they are in. Sometimes, they might even get into awkward positions like blocking the TV with the butt.


17. Rocking Horse

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The last time we saw this baby fiving on the chair, her sibling has been swooped. Therefore, no one is going to take the chance with the baby on losing the favorite spot and which is why the atmosphere here is a bit tedious.

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18. Kicking The Dad

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This Daddy girl is a bit more pampered and loved that she knows has found ways to get the milk and that too by sitting on the Dad’s lap and kicking him.

19. Posing And Nursing

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This is what happens when you have got a poser baby who has the Hot Dog Song playing at the end while she is being fed. She is so synchronized with the music that she can’t resist herself to the music.


20. Two Things One Time

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This baby is not only breastfeeding but is now kicking the mom as well. Imagine the comfort and coziness that she might experience?

21. Leg Muscles And The Baby

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This baby will not let the mom relax and therefore, it has kept the mom even during the mealtime. However, the best thing is that this baby is learning to deal with all the leg muscles.


22. Nursing Under The Cover

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This little baby might have heard alot about the fuss about how the nursing babies should be covered or it might have felt the warmth that the cover usually brings and therefore has decided to do it on her own.

23. Nose Grab

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This baby just wants to be sure that the mom will not forget that she is there. Therefore, she decided that she would grab the nose of the mom so that she won’t forget how a baby is actually latched onto her boob.


24. Side Triangle

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This is another kind of triangle that we come across. It is like the baby has been practicing yoga for years and as this pose cannot even do by the adults that have been performing yoga even for years.

25. Diaper Check

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While this can be considered as a gross thing, because of the baby sticking the diaper right in the mom’s face. However, you can think of the baby as a lifesaver who is trying to let the mom know that she has to check the diaper.

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26. Bent Over

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This baby wants nothing but a meal and love from the mom along with the body snuggle. Therefore, it bends itself over her and does it the right way.

27. Kicking Mom Again

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This little one is not exactly trying to be rude but is trying to feed her mom just the way she is feeding her. While the love she is trying to give is amazing, we can’t look at the fact that her toes are nibbling.

28. Grabbing The Toes

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This is a position that usually happens when the baby tends to be hungry but is fascinated that she can stand on her own by using her feet.

29. Nursing on the chair

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Whenever there is a rise in the temperature, the babies tend to curl up faster because the feeding makes them warm faster. This is a literal description when the baby is warm and is spread out on the leather where you can use the milk, right away.


30. Nursing And Playing

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This dude here is literally busy in exploring the entire room that he can’t stop even for a second to feed. Therefore, he only leans to drink and the patience of the year award goes to the mom who does her work the best irrespective of everything. What all the moms do for the kids.


31. Watching TV

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There are few babies that are so inclined to the TV and I stand as one of them. Whenever the cartoons are on and you are simultaneously hungry, you make the weirdest positions and this one has done a pretzel with the spine.

32. Yoga

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Have you ever seen a baby eating while he/she doing Y pose? Well, if that’s the case, meet the zen baby that I have seen like in a century.


33. Top Angle

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While this one is the typical kind of tot that you see in the nursing department, it is just spread over the mom like a tiny little human blanket. Ain’t that adorable?

34. Planking

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No human likes to be planked in the stomach be it the huge hands or the tiny little hands, mashed into it. The core strength of this baby is that it is not only impressive but it can pull off planks that are as tough as the Rock’s.


35. Sideway Nursing

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This pose happens when the toddlers reach a particular age where all they want to do is get assistance or help with the mom. They can breastfeed on their own and on knowing the environment around, they don’t trouble the moms much.


36. On The Floor

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The only time that the baby is okay to eat things off the floor is if he/she is on the floor and is breastfeeding. This kind of gets calming to the moms who love their babies the most.

37. Toddler Bomb

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For the babies who make the worst whenever they see the cameras, they can be tagged as the photobombing toddlers. Even when they are breastfeeding they can’t help but make the weirdest faces and therefore, snap a selfie.

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38. Flip

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When the baby is extremely hungry, not even the upside down flip can stop him/her from getting the milk. They stay focused on things they want.


39. Push-Ups

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WOW! This is something that you haven’t heard of before, definitely. This baby is not only super strong but is also breastfeeding during the push-up. Imagine all the calcium that goes straight into the muscles.


40. Workout

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The fact that the mother is in the middle of her workout is not stopping this baby from having a quick bite. Go, baby, go! You’re going places.