
What Are The Different Types Of Nerve Damage That Can Occur Today?

Different Types Of Nerve Damage

Published on June 27th, 2022

Nerve damage can be caused by various factors, such as high blood sugar, autoimmune diseases, traumatic injuries, etc. Since there are so many possible causes of nerve damage, you might feel it’s impossible to protect yourself.

However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk.

The first step is to learn about the different types of nerve damage that exist and what causes it. That’s what this guide will teach you.

Read on to discover the types of nerve damage, what can cause it, treatment options, and more.

Types Of Nerve Damage By Classification

You can classify nerve damage into three categories or types: Neuropraxia, Axonotmesis, and Neurotmesis. Let’s break these three categories down before diving into possible causes and treatments.


Neuropraxia is a physiological block of nerve conduction inside an axon. There is no anatomical disruption of the surrounding connective tissues.

The result is a blockage in nerve conduction and paresthesia or weakness. It’s the mildest type of traumatic peripheral nerve injury.


Axonotmesis is when there is an anatomical interruption to the axon. However, there may be a partial interruption of the surrounding connective tissues.

In some cases, regrowth can be stalled by a scar formation.

Some patients may require surgical treatment. It depends on the number of axons that were disrupted and any scar formation near the site of the injury.

It takes an axon 2-4 weeks to start to regenerate. However, it can take three to four years to fully regenerate.


Neurotmesis is a complete anatomical disruption to the axon itself as well as the surrounding connective tissues.
An example of this type is a brachial plexus birth injury. Difficult deliveries can result in a brachial plexus injury. It happens in roughly one to three out of 1,000 births.


Nerve avulsion is a type of spinal cord injury, and it’s the most severe type of nerve injury. This is when the nerve roots are ripped away from the spinal cord.

This type of nerve damage is usually caused by trauma. Even individuals in optimal health can sustain an avulsion injury. Common causes include motorcycle or vehicle accidents.

Stretching or Ruptures

If the injury isn’t severe, patients may even be able to heal on their own. A brace or splint is often used to help heal the affected wrist or hand.

A ruptured nerve is when a nerve becomes torn into two pieces. A forceful movement or stretch can cause the nerve to tear either partially or completely.


Peripheral nerve damage affects the feet, legs, hands, and arms. For people with diabetes, this is the most common type.

Individuals may feel increased sensitivity or even pain, most commonly at night. They may also experience weakness or numbness, or even serious foot problems, such as ulcers and joint paint.


This type of nerve damage affects the heart, stomach, intestines, sex organs, bladder, and eyes.

People with autonomic nerve damage may have nausea, a loss of appetite, changes in vision, and more.

If you need help with your autonomic system, check out the Vagus nerve device linked here, which helps supplement your nervous system’s capability.


Proximal nerve damage typically affects the lower parts of the body, such as the thighs, buttocks, hips, and legs. However, it can also affect the chest and stomach.

Patients with this type of nerve damage may experience severe pain in their hips, buttocks, thigh, or stomach or difficulty standing.


This type of nerve damage affects single nerves. Commonly, it affects nerves in the hand, torso, leg, or head.
People may experience difficulty with vision, an ache behind one eye, weakness in the hand that may cause them to drop things, and more.

Prevent Nerve Damage

You can’t escape all types of nerve damage, but you can reduce your risk by following a healthy lifestyle and seeing your doctor. Since traumatic injuries can cause nerve damage, be sure to always receive medical care if you’re in an accident or if you experience any of the above symptoms.

For more tips on improving your mental and physical health, read some of our other articles before you go, and be sure to check back!

Feature Image: scientificanimations

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