Small Business

How You Can Start A Lead Generation Business

Lead Generation Business

Published on May 4th, 2020

You have the expertise and want to use it to grab some recognition coming your way. There is nothing better than starting a lead generation business in that case.

However lead generation has everything digital and nothing in the physical format.

Generating leads and offering them to small businesses is sure to get you credit for the same and here we tell how to start a lead generation business.

1. Find The Niche

Find The Niche

The beginner step is that you identify which niche you would like to delve into. The key to success is to find a high-volume market where competition is less as of now.

Remember every business would need leads and the more you can target the better it would be for you. Apart from this, you would need to find out the following information about your competition.

  • Citations
  • Backlinks and references
  • Keywords
  • Site layout
  • SEO details

2. Build A Website

Next, you need to first set up a domain or website for your lead business. Try and pick up a domain that matches the niche as well as the location where you are based. This makes it easy for businesses to be able to find you.

However, remember that by doing so you are limiting yourself to one location only and that could reduce your prospects to some extent.

You would have to add a tracking software that would record every call and let the businesses know who has forwarded the lead to them.

3. SEO


SEO or search engine optimization is the tactic used to make your website rank higher on the search results. You need to have quality backlinks that prove your credibility and make the customers come to your website.

Google is very strict about the backlinks and if you buy or create them by wrongful means you might get penalized for the same. The kind of links you need are:

  • Links from other relevant sites in the same niche
  • Guest post links
  • Influential site links
  • Links from directories

4. Finding A Prospect And Closing The Deal

The next step now is to start sending leads to the business and make sure he knows they are sent by you. Once that happens the business owner would want to associate with you. There are multiple ways in which you can finalize the deal and expect them to pay them. Some of them are:

  • 10% of the commission on the business they get
  • Payment per lead
  • Flat fee for all leads
  • Combination of flat fees and 10% pay per lead given

You would have to generate some good money for the business first so that he wants to associate with you further. If they feel that taking your help is going to give them the value they need then only they would like to proceed further.

5. Scale Your Business

Scale Your Business

As soon as you get a business you would have to start finding ways to scale the same. Now create a team of content writers and virtual assistants to start churning value for you. They can be assigned the following tasks.

  • Content writer- To create enriching and valuable content.
  • Web developer- Takes the content and develops it into the website
  • Virtual assistant- Handles the SEO optimization and provides high-quality backlinks

Now the site is ranked and the leads are coming and you should speak to businesses and start closing deals. Within no time you would have a solid income stream coming for you.


While this is all good some people also use Facebook to generate leads. However, doing that requires monitoring at regular intervals something which you may not be up to doing.

Moreover, the costs of doing so fluctuate daily and there is no assurance that the client will stay with you for long. For most purposes, Google lead generation remains the best and most profitable solution.
