
Did You Slip And Fall? It’s Crucial To Get A Fair Recovery For Your Injuries

Fair Recovery For Your Injuries

October 30th, 2021   |   Updated on June 25th, 2022

Taking a slip or a fall is pretty common. Older people are more vulnerable and likely to tumble over, especially if they have a long-term health condition such as chronic pain, arthritis, anemia, and foot disorders.

Slips and falls are serious because these incidents result in major injuries such as cuts, bruises, burns, fractures, and dislocations. A bad accident can lead to excruciating pain and life-altering injuries (head and spinal cord injuries).

Spilled liquid, a change in flooring, or poor lighting can cause a slip and fall accident. Hazards can happen due to almost anything; the circumstances of each situation are unique.

If you slipped and fell hard, your goal right now is to make the pain go away and get back to your normal life. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to make recovery go faster. Please continue reading to find out more.

Schedule An Appointment With Your Doctor

Have an experienced medical professional examine you and determine if there’s anything wrong. Go to the emergency room and schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Even if you weren’t visibly injured in the fall, it’s imperative to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Before recovery can begin, you need the right diagnosis.

Describe the symptoms you’re experiencing. Most importantly, don’t leave out any details. Leaving out seemingly minor details might impact your recovery.

The doctor will perform a full-body evaluation, pain and palpitation testing, joint and range of motion testing, not to mention x-rays. Ideally, you should see a doctor within 72 hours of the incident.

If that’s not possible, the sooner, the better. Some injuries demand surgery and advanced medical care. Examples include but aren’t limited to:

  • Broken arm
  • Shoulder trauma
  • Hip fracture
  • Broken collarbone
  • ACL tear
  • MCL tear
  • Wrist fracture
  • Hip dislocation

You and your doctor should focus on what truly matters – your recovery, that is.

Discuss Recovery Strategies

You’ll benefit more from the treatment plan if you know what’s involved. Therefore, have the doctor give you directions in writing. Chances are that your doctor will send you to a specialist for further evaluation.

Ask the specialist to send information about the diagnosis and treatment. As a rule, slip and fall accidents result in serious injuries that require surgical intervention and advanced medical care.

Various types of medical procedures are used in the case of slip and fall injury victims, such as:

  • Total knee replacement therapy
  • Hip arthroscopy surgery
  • Ankle instability surgery
  • Knee replacement and reconstruction
  • Revision hip replacement therapy
  • Lumbar fusion
  • Foot reconstruction surgery
  • Spinal fusion

Therapy will depend largely on your medical history, not to mention the examinations and investigations. The approach should be multidisciplinary, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists.

Manage Your Symptoms

Symptoms might not appear for hours or sometimes days, weeks even. Key symptoms to look for are:

  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Ringing in the years
  • Vomiting
  • Blurry vision
  • Bruising
  • Obvious swelling
  • Back pain
  • Stomach pain

Even if you suffer a minor injury, you could end up experiencing excruciating pain that will make it impossible for you to work. To put it simply, the pain affects your quality of life and leaves you with costly medical bills.

The longer you postpone treatment, the less likely you are to make a full recovery. A sudden slip and fall can cause spinal misalignment. Only a chiropractor is able to identify the root of the problem and relieve pain.

Ignoring slight pain can lead to bigger issues that are harder to treat. If you’ve fallen down the stairs and hurt your back, have a competent medical professional check you out.

They might use the Garston technique or the active release technique. Basic remedies like an ice pack work only momentarily. Depending on the injury various massage and spinal manipulation techniques will be performed to help the body heal.

Get Enough Rest And Eat Well

Muscles and tissues repair and rejuvenate as you sleep, so if you’re not getting enough rest, it’ll be harder to bounce back from an injury.

Speed up your recovery by getting plenty of sleep and taking it easy (just for a while). It’s understandable if you hate being restricted, but take it nice and easy until you get back on your feet.

Get up and move around the house just a little bit, but don’t push yourself too hard. Recovery could take longer and you could make your injury worse. If you have a broken leg, for instance, do some upper body training.

Don’t Waste Time Thinking About How The Accident Could Have Been Avoided

Now, you’re alone with your thoughts. You can’t stop thinking about what happened. It’s fine because most people who have been involved in an accident of some kind have these feelings.

Rather than thinking about the past, you should live in the future. Healthcare insurance will cover some of your medical bills. But what do you do about the rest? The unexpected costs can turn out to be overwhelming.

If you tumbled over, there’s a possibility that it was because of some hazard or obstacle that shouldn’t have been there. In this case, the property owner may be liable for the injury/injuries.

To find out if you have a personal injury case worth pursuing, contact a solicitor. The original Review of Solicitors website can help you find the best local law firm. No matter what you decide to do, don’t go at it alone.

Find A Way To Pass The Time

Recovering from slip and fall injuries implies not only getting better but also achieving a full and satisfying life. Needless to say, recovery is a journey. The process can go on for several months. The question now is: How do you make time go faster? Well, we have a couple of suggestions.

Here are some things you can do while in convalescence:

  • Get lost in a good novel. Unlike a YouTube video or podcast, a book offers in-depth knowledge. Why not be productive during this time? Check out the latest thriller, mystery, or fantasy titles.
  • Listen to music. Listening to your favorite tunes has a calming effect, which helps ease some unpleasant symptoms. Explore new songs on the radio or use streaming services.
  • Order your favorite food. Not only does food rebalance you, but also it helps reconnect with elusive parts of yourself. You’re a complex, layered being, after all. With the surge in food delivery services, there are many options to choose from.