
6 Best Ways Of Setting Up Your Home Office For Maximum Productivity


May 20th, 2020   |   Updated on March 18th, 2021

How to set up your home office for productivity!


Whether you work from home all the time or it’s only temporary, you want to create a provisional office space in the comfort of your home that will stimulate productivity.

There are many ways to achieve this but some strategies are better than others. We have selected top 6 ways that will let you know how to set up your home office that will boost your productivity, as if you were in the office at work.

1. Create A Separate Space

One of the best methods to create a home office is to physically divide it from the rest of the home. You needn’t have a separate room as counters, furniture, and windscreen can isolate the home office effectively enough.

The office can be located in pretty much any room but perhaps the living room or the guestroom is most suitable.

The more you use your new office, the more will your brain start associating this particular space inside the house with work and not leisure time. After a while, you will notice that you become more productive.

2. Invest In Ergonomic Furniture

From the table to the desk chair, all the furniture inside your new home office should be as comfortable as possible.

The office chair should feature ergonomic support for the back and it should be made from a durable material, such as leather. If the desk has shelving, then ensure all the shelves are reachable from the sitting position.

The desk should ideally be custom-made so it will match the height of your knees perfectly.

It is worth paying extra to hire a carpenter to make a custom desk because back pain can be a real issue after hours sitting down in the same position. In general, take the effort to calculate the ideal height of the desk and the chair.

3. A Special Design For The Home Office

Another way you can “separate” the home office from the rest of the home is through interior design.

Namely, everything in the office, from the color of the walls to the furniture should be designed differently from the rest of the house.

This won’t come at a huge cost because you can alter the color of the walls by adding wallpapers instead of repainting the entire room.

When it comes to the palette, go for mild colors, such as light green, beige, or light blue. Tacky colors like orange or yellow have the potential to unsettle you, inhibiting productivity.

As far as the furniture is concerned, we’ve already mentioned it ought to be custom-made. However, don’t make the mistake of trying to match it with the rest of the furniture inside the home.

The goal is for it to be different and have a more modern, business-like look. You can use the desk and the chair at work as role models.

4. Cancel Out All The Outside Noises

You might think that the biggest distraction when working from home are going to be other people with you.

However, even children can be reasoned with not to enter the space of the home office. A much bigger issue is going to be the noise coming from the outside.

There is little you can do about drivers honking, the sound of car breaks or your next-door neighbor mowing his/her lawn.

The only remedy against these sounds is the installation of windows with double glazing that come with formidable soundproof qualities.

Needless to say, the walls of the house should also be soundproof as much as possible which can be achieved through sound absorption panels.

5. Introduce Plant Life In The Home Office

Once you ensure the office is soundproof, it’s time to further boost concentration and productivity by intruding greenery in the office.

Just like there are flower pots in the office at work, there should be various houseplants adorning the office at home.

The best thing about “greening” office space at home is the fact you don’t have to buy new plants; all you need to do is relocate the existing greenery.

Choose fragrant plant species and houseplants that are easy to care for, such as the Chinese Money Plant, Jade, Rabbit’s Ear, etc.

6. Fresh Air And Plenty Of Natural Light

Opening the window in the office will result in smog and noises entering your home, making it impossible to work without distraction.

However, your brain needs oxygen to think clearly so make sure the air ventilation is doing this properly. Turning the AC on is sometimes better than opening the window.

When it comes to light, try to use sunlight during the as much as possible by installing large window panes.

Ideally, the office desk should be located right under the window for maximum natural light and a nice view to go with it.

During the nighttime, LED lamps should be placed on the desk even if you are working on your laptop because a computer screen is not a proper source of light.

If you set up your home office well, there is no reason not to expect the same level of productivity as in the office at work.

Strong-enough focus and a couple of interior design hacks are all that is necessary to start earning your salary from the comfort of your home.