January 10th, 2018 | Updated on April 8th, 2023
1. Eat clean, real and colorful foods. Stay away from processed foods that will diminish your energy levels.
2. Pull out your old bicycle and go for a ride.
3. Cook one of your favorite meals and share it with friends.
4. Get more sleep. If you can get 8-10 hrs a night it will be life changing.
5. Read/learn something new at least once a day. Reading is fantastic for mindfulness.
6. Cut out the sugary alcoholic drinks and treat yourself to a glass of red wine.
7. Take the “scenic route” on car rides. It may be a bit longer but it will probably be cheaper and more thrilling.
8. Bring more plants into your life.
9. Catch a sunrise/sunset whenever you can.
10. Visit the ocean. The ocean is wonderful for healing.
11. Redesign your living space and eliminate the clutter.
12. Meditate (if you don’t know how try to learn from self help books or exercises provided from the internet).
13. Bring more candles into your life.
14. Treat yourself to new jewelry/clothes and express yourself.
15. Girls: go a few days without wearing makeup and let your cells rejuvenate. Try some ayurvedic face masks.
16. Make sure to take your daily vitamins.
17. Go somewhere you have never been before.
18. Drink lots of tea. Some of the best for you are rooibos (red tea), green tea and detox teas.
19. Relive something that brought you joy as a child.
20. Take road trips/vacations whenever you can.
21. Donate your old clothes and simplify your closet.
22. Do yoga, it will only improve your whole self.
23. Buy a diffuser (they are usually inexpensive) and purify the air around you.
24. Write a letter to an old friend.
25. GIVE! Give to your local soup kitchens. Give whatever you can when you can. The act of giving will lift your spirit in incredible ways.
26. Build a blanket fort and watch your favorite movies in it.
27. Make a conscious effort to bring joy to at least one person every day.
Source: thoughtcatalog.com