
9 Things To Help You Cope Up With Life In The 20s

Professional Guys

July 30th, 2017   |   Updated on March 2nd, 2024

The next birthday – turning a year older in life – is daunting to most of us for different reasons.

It is the most awaited, yet the most confusing event for anyone. You may be excited and afraid at the same time – excited at the upcoming events but frightened for the suspense of future.

Nevertheless, for young adults about to leave adolescence and enter into 20’s life can be frightening.

College Life

Soon to be 20’s are expected to be mature and responsible but being at the crossroads can be confusing with the feeling of being abandoned and lost.

Here are a few things to help you cope up with life in the 20s.

There is nothing wrong with being over anxious because you are in the stage when it is natural to be over conscious, and overanxious but just because you experience the feeling of inadequacy doesn’t mean you are actually. The best thing right now for you is to leave the company or even brief interactions of those people who tend to find deficiencies, faults, and imperfections in you. Instead, choose the company of those who are positive, sincere and optimistic towards you and reciprocate their feelings.

Professional Guys

Enjoy your life, love the way you are, love yourself even if you are a bit confused, trust yourself, don’t crib for what you don’t have and be grateful for what you have and the virtues you have. Do these and you have found the golden key to living and enjoying your productive life.

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1. Live life to the fullest

Live life to the fullest

While most of the other things on this list might seem pessimistic, just remember that life is short. Travel, meet new people, do what makes you happy and make the most of your life. Always learn from the things you’ve done wrong so you don’t repeat the same mistakes again.


2. You have to work hard to get what you want

You have to work hard to get what you want

It’s simple but its true. Nothing will be handed to you. You have to go out there, approach the real world and take what you want. Be ruthless with your dreams and work your socks off until you get what you want.


3. Don’t be a pushover

Don’t be a pushover

Helping others every now and then is a good thing, but letting people take advantage of you isn’t. If you let people step all over you, then you’ll be the only one hurting in the long run. Don’t let that happen.Learn to say “no.” Don’t ever do something that makes you uncomfortable. Always put yourself first. If you don’t, then who’s going to?


4. Sleep is important

Sleep is important

As children, we do everything in our power to stay up as late as possible. The truth, however, is that sleep is a valuable and necessary asset. When you start pulling all-nighters and relying on power naps, a 9 pm bedtime seems like a dream.


5. People grow apart

People grow apart

Chances are that you’ll probably only stay in touch with a few of the friends you swore you’d always hold close. As you get older, you meet new people, your priorities change and you might only message a yearly “happy birthday” to some of your closest friends from childhood.


6. Heartbreak is inevitable

Heartbreak is inevitable

As tempting as living life completely emotionless may seem sometimes, none of us are immune to feelings and heartbreak.

There’s a chance you’ll experience your fair share of heartbreak, maybe even more than once. Just remember that you’re also strong enough to move past it.


7. People are not irreplaceable

People are not irreplaceable

Aside from your immediate family members, almost every person in your life can be replaced.

Remember that boyfriend you cried over incessantly? With a little patience, you’ll probably find someone even better.


8. Don’t hide your dreams

Don't hide your dreams

Most people don’t know this, but before Terminus, I had my own startup for three years.

I was moonlighting every weekend, yet I didn’t tell a soul because I wasn’t proud of my startup’s accomplishments. That was dumb, but that’s how I felt.

The point is to share your dreams. The worst thing that can happen is you get feedback that leads you to a better idea.


9. Health is wealth

Health is wealth

Yes, it’s a cliched saying, but when we’re younger, we tend to treat our bodies terribly.

From junk food to alcohol to lack of exercise, we think that nothing will affect us.

On the contrary, you could have all the money in the world, and it still wouldn’t be as valuable as your physical and mental health.


Watch The Video 6 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s