August 31st, 2018 | Updated on March 6th, 2020
Diabetes is recognized as one of the most severe medical conditions which are highly prevalent in the world.
As per the researchers, there is around 1 in 4 adults who are living with the disease. Most of them are not even aware of it. This leads to complications in treatment.
Types Of Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes results from the pancreas’s failure to produce enough insulin. This form was previously referred to as “insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus” (IDDM) or “juvenile diabetes”. The cause is unknown.
Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 DM begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly.
As the disease progresses a lack of insulin may also develop. This form was previously referred to as “non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus” (NIDDM) or “adult-onset diabetes”.
The most common cause is excessive body weight and insufficient exercise.
Gestational diabetes is the third main form, and occurs when pregnant women without a previous history of diabetes develop high blood sugar levels.
Here, know about 15 symptoms of diabetes. As prevention is better than cure, so if you are aware of the warning signs as early as possible.
Then it can help you get the timely diagnosis. This will further prevent life-threatening complications.
1. Increased hunger
There is a time when people feel hungry even after having a full meal. Then that might be a revealing sign of diabetes.
This is because the body of the person is not able to convert the food into energy. The lack of energy gives rise to augmented appetite.
This is the reason why a person starts feeling hungry all the time. The lack of energy causes increased appetite.
2. Recurrent Urination
You may experience increased urination due to excess sugar (glucose) building up in your blood. This is due to an inability of the kidney to absorb and filter all the extra sugar.
Due to this, the excess sugar is excreted into the urine. This is a reason for frequent urination.
3. Feeling fatigue
Fatigue can arise due to numerous factors. The reason for being having less energy is the inability of the body to take in glucose.
This is the warning sign of diabetes. Also, the lack of energy can also be caused by dehydration due to increased urination.
4. Extreme Thirst
As there is a frequent urination so the body fluids are pulled along from with the tissues. This makes you dehydrated.
And this is a reason why the person feels extremely thirsty than usual. Also the more you drink fluids to satisfy the thirst, the more you urinate.
5. Weight Loss
Sometimes it happens that there is a sudden, unintentional weight loss in your body. This is due to inadequate insulin, which prevents your body from absorbing glucose to use for energy.
This forces the body to burn fat and muscle for energy, resulting in weight loss. Weight fluctuations are a common sign of type 1 diabetes.
6. Dry Mouth
Diabetes signs occasionally involve your mouth as well. The absence of adequate fluids in your body due to high urination leads to feeling dry.
It is said by doctors that the having a dry mouth is a symptom of high blood sugar. Moreover, it also leads to widespread tooth decay.
7. Numbness
Numbness, Pain and tingling in the feet or legs is another result of nerve damage. This is due to diabetes.
This may also lead to experience a loss of feeling in the hand and arms. In the long run, this nerve damage can progress all across the body.
8. Slow healing process of wounds
Another important sign of diabetes is having bruises and cuts which are slow to heal. This may be due to high blood sugar levels.
This will affect the blood flow in the body and also cause nerve damage. So blood finds it tough to reach the areas affected by wounds.
9. Yeast Infections
Yeast infections can easily occur in both men and women who are having diabetes. The yeast nourishes the extreme glucose.
This type of infections usually occurs in the areas which are warm and moist. For example the areas such as between the toes and fingers, underarms, and also under the breasts.
10. Frequent Headaches
The high or low blood glucose can leads to frequent headaches. The headaches are usually moderate to severe in nature.
The person may get relief if the blood sugar is maintained and under control. In case if headache is severe then, one must consult a doctor.
11. Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is very common among men with diabetes age. If you’re a man who is having a problem in maintaining and getting an erection.
Then it can be the critical sign of diabetes. Diabetes can damage the nerves, blood vessels and muscle function that control erection. This gives rise to erectile dysfunction.
12. Vomiting and Nausea
Nausea and vomiting can be an important sign of diabetes. High blood glucose levels can slow down intestinal and stomach movements.
This causes food to be reserved in the stomach for longer than normal time. This results in nausea and vomiting.
13. Dry and Itchy Skin
Lack of moisture in your body due to high blood sugar levels may cause your skin to dry and itch.
As you lose fluids because of increased urination, your body gets dehydrated, which results in the dry and itchy skin.
14. Imprecise vision
According to WebMD, blurred vision could be a sign of high blood sugar. The increased levels of sugar in your blood may be absorbing fluids from the lenses of your eyes.
This causes them to change shape and affects your ability to focus.
15. Bad Stomach Pains
Recurrent stomach pains may arise due to the enormously high or exceptionally low blood sugar levels. Diabetes can also damage the vagus nerve.
This will also slow down the digestion process. This makes the food to remain longer in the stomach. This creates discomfort and pain.
Source: Quora
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