February 4th, 2018 | Updated on April 23rd, 2024
Despite the accessibility of high-end medical equipment in most hospitals of the developed countries, cardiovascular diseases still remain the leading cause of premature death. Poor diet, physical inactivity, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels — all of these are major risk factors that usually interact and eventually may lead to heart disease.
As ignorance may have a detrimental effect on our lives, we decided to take you along the most common health conditions that over time can develop into cardiac disease.
People with unhealthy body weight, particularly in the abdominal region, are more likely to end up with heart disease.
Even though there is no proven evidence of direct correlation between excess weight and heart disease, obesity, nevertheless, is often associated with type 2 diabetes and hypertension that almost inevitably cause cardiac disease.
Moreover, obese patients are at an increased risk of heart attack that will result in death, even if they have no history of heart disease. Dr. Jennifer Logue, study researcher of the University of Glasgow, notes that such tendency might be linked to the fact that ”the heart of obese people tend to enlarge to handle the additional stress of an increased blood volume, and this already stressed heart cannot continue to function after a heart attack.”
Let’s focus now on diabetes that contributes to such conditions as coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetic cardiomyopathy or heart failure. Diabetic patients often develop atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis causes the coronary arteries that allow oxygen to reach the heart muscle to become narrowed and clogged by the atheromas that build up inside the arteries.
Atheromas are made up mainly of cholesterol and calcium, and increase the likelihood of blood clotting. This condition may eventually impede the blood flow and cause a heart attack.
Hypertension is another risk factor, which, if left ignored, may thicken the heart muscle, which prevents the heart from receiving enough oxygen. Over time, this condition may lead to heart failure. High blood pressure can also thicken the blood vessels walls which puts a hypertensive person at a greater risk of heart attack or stroke.
It’s absolutely clear that the most common explanation for cardiac disease is obesity that occurs as a result of unhealthy diet high in saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and simple carbohydrates, as well as lack of physical activity. Therefore, following the relevant dietary recommendations and taking up exercises is viewed as the most effective ways to handle extra weight, and thus reduce the risks associated with obesity.
Just Had a Heart Attack? Save Yourself by Following These Practices
1. Consult the doctor
To begin with, you need to consult a good doctor and know about the best heart attack treatment available. You can visit some of the best hospitals like Max Healthcare to get the advice of highly qualified doctors. The treatment of heart attack should begin as early as possible to inhibit other possible damages to the body.
There are various heart attack treatments such as Angiography, Primary Angioplasty, and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting which doctors may recommend depending on your condition. Follow your doctor’s advice and take proper medication.
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2. Know Your Medication
It is very necessary for you to know everything about the medicines that you take after a heart attack. Know the names, prescription, side-effects and any other thing that you think is essential. Keep them with you always as the emergency can arise without knocking your door.
3. Enter Cardiac Rehab
Another important step is to get into a cardiac rehabilitation centre. There are many hospitals like Max Healthcare which offer a cardiac rehabilitation to monitor your condition and recovery process after a heart attack. Highly qualified and experienced doctors help in a speedy recovery by involving you in various activities and exercises.
4. Quit Smoking
No matter how tough it may sound, but quitting smoking can be great for your heart. Smoking is one of the major risk factors affecting the functioning of the heart. Once, you stop smoking; you will cut the chances of future occurrence of the heart attack. Also, avoid passive smoking as that too has adverse effects on the health.
5. Follow Healthy Diet
Maintain a low-fat and low-calorie diet to prevent the risk of another heart attack. Also, try not to eat trans fats and saturated fats as they can cause blockage of arteries. This blockage can further stop the flow of blood leading to a heart attack. Instead, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and stay away from fried and processed foods.
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6. Do Regular Exercises
Regular exercise can make your heart stronger. Try including walking, jogging, and running, bicycling, and swimming in your daily-life activities. It not only helps your heart pump blood but also lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure. However, always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise after a heart attack. He/she can help you in choosing better options and will also monitor your recovery.
7. Control Other Health issues
There are health issues that may contribute to a heart attack. Hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and thyroid disease are some of these risk factors which you need to control. Also, keep in tab your stress and depression as they can also increase the risk of your heart attack.
A heart attack is a scaring experience; however, you must not succumb to your fears. It is crucial that you must take useful and timely decision to live a healthy and fearless life.
Be open to your doctor and tell him/her about every question that bothers you. Remember, awareness can also save your life, so never hesitate to learn more about your condition. Follow these advices and take the steps needed from your end to reduce the risk of heart attack.