Web Marketing Strategy: Should You Go For Articles? Or Blogs Will Be Better?

Web Marketing Strategy

Published on May 22nd, 2019

Marketing is, and always has been, about reaching customers where they are. TV commercials, print advertisements, and billboards all attempt to do just that. The internet offers unique benefits other marketing mediums can’t offer — scope of reach, the option to personalize content, and the opportunity to build far-reaching relationships with customers, being just a few. When it comes to choosing web marketing strategy, without great content, it is difficult to stand apart from the crowd.

There are two great mediums for creating content: articles and blogs. While many people use these interchangeably, there are some important differences.

Articles contain explanations, analysis and/or visuals while Blogs are tips, general information, or otherwise brief information regarding your products. However, if you are a blogger or running a blog, it doesn’t mean you can’t write an article. You can use both articles and blogs for your website.

Articles have loads of research while blogs, written in the first person, are easier to scan. You can scan the whole blog within a couple of minutes. One of the main reasons why you should venture into the blogging world is because it opens up a world of opportunities for you and your business.

Articles can vary greatly in their length while blogs are shorter. Blogs are more casual while articles are more formal. Should you have both blogs and articles in your web marketing strategy?

Before blogs came into the scene, web marketers believe that article is the ultimate way to promote website on the internet, particularly on the search engines. When you have articles, you can submit it on other websites and article directories and in no time, your search engine ranking will soar up and your traffic will increase.

Web Marketing Strategy: Should You Go For Articles? Or Blogs Will Be Better?

Now along came blogs. Some web marketers are beginning to think that the birth of blogs is the death of article marketing but is it? Blogs and articles are different stuffs. Both of them provide information but there are key differences between them. They are two different web marketing strategy. Let’s take a better look at the difference between the two marketing strategies.



  • Used for a website promotion on the internet. When you submit articles on several article directories, your website will receive more quality incoming links which are considered to vote for your website’s importance.
  • Aim to provide complete information to online users and website visitors. An article comprises an introduction, body, and conclusion. When a reader go over an article, he knows for a fact that by the time he finishers, he will be well informed about the topic discussed on the article.
  • Articles are formal informational content added on a website. They serve as content for the website’s pages.



  • Used for website marketing and promotion. It attracts regular readers, thus, improving the rate of repeat visitors. It contains updated content.
  • It provides incomplete information. It talks about an issue or a topic that is popular at the moment. The readers comment on the information provided, thus, giving them the chance to complete the information given by the blog’s writer. A blog can generate as many comments as possible because of the nature of its topic.
  • Blogs are informal. They don’t follow standard rules like an article. They are shorter compared to articles. This makes blogs easy to read and comprehend. Blogs are also updated regularly to provide readers with the most recent information.

Web Marketing Strategy: Should You Go For Articles? Or Blogs Will Be Better?

So which is a better web marketing strategy now? Is it still articles or blogs? Actually, it depends upon your target market and the point you are trying to get across. If your topic requires short explanations or discussions, then you can go for a blog. But if it requires a long and detailed explication, go for an article.

It also depends upon your target market or readers. If you know that your target readers are after complete informational content, then there’s no doubt that you go for articles. While if your target readers are those who want to be heard and needs little content, then go for a blog. Both these two web marketing strategies can do wonders for your website. Just remember that blogs are effective but articles haven’t lost their effectiveness yet.

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