Lifestyle Relationships

45 Simple Relationship Advice And Tips For Couples

Relationship Advice For Couples

April 27th, 2018   |   Updated on April 30th, 2024

If you recognize ahead of time, though, what those relationship problems might be, you’ll have a much better chance of getting past them. All relationship problems stem from poor communication.

These 45 simple advice that can save a relationship. Take a look.

1. Friendships are built on joint activities and common interests. In addition to being lovers, couples need to learn to be friends

relationship advice

2. They stand together and refuse to let outsiders call the shots

relationship tips

3. For some, emotional closeness is a prerequisite for sexual intimacy; for others, sexual intimacy leads to emotional intimacy

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4. Emotional intimacy and closeness are built upon both partners being consistent, emotionally available and responsive to one another

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5. Direct, clear communication should always be a top priority


6. Deliberately creating positive experiences and interactions between the two of you should be an ongoing priority

love advice

7. They practice self-care as individuals

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8. They listen intently before replying

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9. They don’t play games with each other’s heads and hearts

relationship problems

10. They practice the golden rule in their relationship

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11. They cheer for each other

relationship advice for couples

12. They review and discuss their goals and dreams often,  and seek the help of a love coach if they need further advice

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13. They negotiate and compromise on joint matters

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14. They refuse to play the blame game

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15. They don’t blow things out of proportion

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16. They tame their anger the minute they feel heated

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17. They apologize to each other immediately

marital advice

18. They practice patience and forgiveness daily

best relationship advice

19. They practice patience and forgiveness daily

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20. They respect each other’s humanness

healthy relationship

21. You’re not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

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22. Marry the one who gives you the same feeling you get when you see food coming at a restaurant.

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23. The grass is not greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.

love and relationships

24. Stop trying to find the right person and start trying to BE the right person.

good relationship advice

25. Don’t fall in love with your waitress, hooker, or therapist.

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26. Always be the first to genuinely apologize after a fight.

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27. You can’t expect someone to love you when you can’t love yourself.

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28. Just because you liked the friend-version of someone doesn’t mean you’ll like the relationship-version of them.

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29. When you and your SO are arguing, remember—it’s you and them VS the problem. Not you VS them.

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30. Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential.

need relationship advice

31. You can’t expect someone to love you when you can’t love yourself.

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32. Before you move in with your partner, go on a road trip with them.

love relationship advice

33. When you and your SO are arguing, remember—it’s you and them VS the problem. Not you VS them.

advice for relationships

34. Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

relationship tips for men

35. Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential.

relationship advice for couples

36. It takes two happy individuals to make a happy relationship.

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37. If the world didn’t give each other second chances, we would all be single.

love relationship

38. Everyone is searching for the perfect person, but no one is trying to be the perfect person.

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39. Just because a person is right or perfect for you, you may not be the right one for them.

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40. Out of all the things needed for a successful relationship, love barely makes the top

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41. Love is a verb, not a noun.

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42. Just because you love each other does not mean that you’re good together long-term.

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43. No relationship is perfect and there will be conflict. What matters is the desire to solve the problem.

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44. Don’t look for a girl you want to treat like a princess, look for a girl you want to treat like a partner.

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45. There are a number of people you can be compatible with. No one is perfect. You have to work at love.

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