
Flea Control For Pets And Professional Flea Control Services

flea control services

January 24th, 2020   |   Updated on June 28th, 2022

So, you have managed to clean your home very thoroughly to ensure total flea extermination. Apart from the arduous task of home cleaning, you will also need to ensure that your pet flea control services Phoenix AZ services are done in tandem as without which, your home cleaning would be futile.

When it comes to your pet’s health, a vet specialist is your best source of information when you need to find out how to get rid of fleas. If otherwise, they will be prescribed with the right pet flea treatment immediately to lighten their pain, and of course, the professional assistance by flea treatment services Phoenix experts.

It only takes one. A single flea bite to your dog or cat can set off a chain reaction that can potentially send you and your pet into a literal tailspin.

It isn’t the actual bite that causes the allergic reaction but the saliva the flea injects into the bitten area. The saliva helps the flea feed more efficiently.

Spotting signs of your pet behavioral pattern changes could hint and help you in identifying the existence of such parasites. Have your cat or dog been scratching and licking itself a lot more lately? And have you noticed that your kids too are getting red little patches too? These are the signs of infestation.

Flea Control For Pets And Professional Flea Control Services

They breed best in furry and warm places and what better place could they multiply than in animal fur, with the endless supply of blood to boot. Hence, it is important that you bath them on a daily basis, with related products like flea shampoo, combs, and medication.

Here Are Some Common Do’s And Don’ts For Combating These Horrible Little Pests:

1. Use a proven flea control shampoo such as Adams. Follow the directions on the bottle to the letter. If it says to wait ten minutes before rinsing your pet, then WAIT ten minutes. Fleas are incredibly durable. Two minutes can mean the difference between killing one and just making it dormant for a few hours.

And don’t fall back on the old wives’ tales. Garlic is of the onion family and onions are toxic to pets. Garlic has been given to pets in moderation in the belief it will prevent fleas, but too much garlic and you are asking for potential trouble.

2. Fleas go for the soft spots. When checking your pet for fleas start at the base of the tail and brush the hair against the grain to lift it and show skin. Continue moving up the back and sides in this manner.

Check around the genitals and rectum. Check the knees, belly and under all four legs. If your pet wears a collar remove it and search the neck area. Fleas love to hide where pets can’t easily scratch.

3. If your pet is infested then begin washing your pet at the neck first. Fleas will run toward the high ground because they somehow know a pet will hold its head above water. They can also get into the ears and really make life miserable.

By starting at the neck and saturating it with flea killing shampoo they have nowhere to run. Many owners notice severe flea infestations where the animal was submerged in a bath and two minutes later dozens of fleas are sitting on its nose.

Just because the animal is wet doesn’t mean a flea is immobile and will drown. It is said the only way to drown a flea is to drown the dog, and even then the only guaranteed death is the dogs.

Flea Treatment Services

4. The one problem with using internal medicines for flea control, such as Sentinel, Frontline, or other proven products, is that the flea has to actually bite your pet and feed in order to kill it.

A flea allergy can begin ten to fourteen days after the first bite. You may keep your pet on these products year-round but still have a flea allergy in spite of your efforts.

Always check with your veterinarian before beginning any treatment for parasites. They are the battle line fighters of these pests; also seek the assistance of your local flea control professionals in getting of these pests completely.

Author Bio:

Digvijay Singh Kanwar is a professional Content writer and Digital marketing expert and he loves to write about Finance and Health based Articles.