
Top 7 Ways To Boost Employee Morale In A Remote Setting

Boost Employee Morale

December 7th, 2020   |   Updated on June 28th, 2022

It is a known fact that morale drives productivity and engagement. Organizations with highly spirited employees are highly productive, as well as profitable.

Therefore, successful companies make boosting employee morale a crucial part of their employer branding strategy.

When employee morale is high, the company reaches its full potential. But maintaining high morale among remote employees is a challenge.

You’ll need to find new ways to communicate and work together to ensure that remote workers feel the company culture alive, even in their homes.

1. Communicate Regularly

Communication is key when it comes to boosting employee morale. Loop your remote employees into conversations that can directly affect them.

Share new product releases, announcements, positive customer reviews with them. Check their well-being on a regular basis.

Asking questions like: Are you facing any challenges? Are you happy at work? How can I help? can help in boosting employee morale.

2. Acknowledge And Appreciate Their Contribution

Employee recognition provides a sense of accomplishment and makes employees feel valued for their work.

When you appreciate your employees for the good work they do, they feel truly appreciated and have more self-worth.

This helps in motivating the employees to become more productive. Employees who receive regular appreciation and positive recognition display the following:

  • Better engagement levels
  • Higher productivity
  • Higher morale
  • More loyalty to the company
  • Better customer satisfaction

3. Create Learning And Development Opportunities

According to ClearCompany, 76% of employees want career growth. Learning and development opportunities do not guarantee job promotion but create something that employees can aim to achieve.

A training session or course that can help your employees to improve their personal and professional skills is a good way to begin.

4. Ask For Feedback

Communication is a two-way process. It should not always be you giving them feedback; ask feedback from employees as well. This ensures that their voices are heard, and their opinions are counted.

Also, asking for feedback from employees on a regular basis allows you to identify problems and make smart decisions much before they become bigger problems that can potentially ruin your company culture.

 5. Learn From Each Other

Your team is made up of individuals, each with diverse skills and personality. Some may possess skills that most of them don’t have.

Create a culture of skill sharing, where you can ask each team member to present their untapped skills to the entire group.

Some may have exceptional PowerPoint, Excel, communication, or public speaking skills, while others may be good in sports, cooking, or mini-golf – there’s always something to learn from each other. So, encourage people to share their talents, giving them the opportunity to come closer as a team.

6. Encourage Regular Breaks

Regular breaks are important if you want your remote employees to be productive all day long. When your team is well-rested and rejuvenated after a quick break, you’ll notice a change in their motivation levels and productivity.

Try introducing a system that allows them to go on a break by either marking it on the system, or changing their status on the messenger to ensure that there is no inconvenience caused and work is not hampered in any way while they are on a break.

7. Be Transparent

Maintain transparency in all your communications with your remote team, however bad the issue may seem. This will not only help you earn respect for your honesty while you work to fix the issues, but it will also boost your staff morale.

You cannot ignore the fact that your employees need to have high morale for them to perform well, especially if they are working remotely.

The above suggestions can help you improve morale and motivate your remote team to drive your company towards success.

Author Bio:

Kelly Barcelos is a progressive digital marketing manager specializing in HR and is responsible for leading Jobsoid’s content and social media team. When Kelly is not building campaigns, she is busy creating content and preparing PR topics.

She started with Jobsoid as a social media strategist and eventually took over the entire digital marketing team with her innovative approach and technical expertise.