June 24th, 2020 | Updated on September 8th, 2022
When it comes to your career, it is crucial to love what you to in order to feel fulfilled and happy.
If you have a passion for a certain something, why not embrace that? For those of you who write for pleasure or memoir maker, it is possible to make a living from it. Continue reading for our advice on how to do that.
When applying for jobs, your qualifications matter. If you are keen to forge your way to the top, try studying a course in writing to enable you to prove you have the foundations for a great career.
This can be done alongside an existing job or some companies may be willing to give you the chance if you make assurances about completing such a course.
Gaining experience can sometimes feel like a thankless task. However, it is certainly worthwhile.
If you have friends who own businesses, offer to write their copy or content for them, depending on your niche (see the next section).
Alternatively, start your own blog and promote it to everyone and anyone. This could be useful to take pieces from in the future for your writing portfolio.
Ultimately, relevant experience will trump any qualifications you may have. Having said that, the two work in conjunction with one another.
When you are just starting out, it may feel as though you wish to dip your foot into as many different types of writing as possible to make you more appealing to anyone seeking to hire a writer. However, this serves to weaken your stance.
Becoming experienced in a specific type of writing and within a particular area will show you are not a typical ‘Jack of all trades’ and that you actually know your market and what needs to be contained within your writing.
It is also possible to forge a career out of writing about your own opinion on current affairs just like Lawrence Martin whose pieces often cause controversy.
You could write ten blog pieces a week and publish them online. However, if no one is bothering to read them, it will not serve an immediate purpose. Try to reduce the quantity of articles you knock out, focusing on the quality.
Furthermore, you must promote your writing. Set up accounts on social media platforms where you can build up a following. Pinterest is great for this, particularly if you can create simple visuals to go with your writing.
If you are keen to write something much more substantial than an article, you may wish to consider self-publishing.
Choosing a company that can do this for you and who require a zero upfront fee is advisable. Be sure to focus on self-promotion as well. Books do not just sell themselves.
Furthermore, be sure to pick your company carefully. There are some unscrupulous people who will try to fleece upcoming writers out of money and who therefore choose to charge enormous fees.
Ultimately, this is mostly an unsuccessful way of forging your way into the world of writers. The creation of eBooks is another consideration.