November 27th, 2020 | Updated on June 25th, 2022
1. 300 Year Old Library Tool. (Palafoxiana Library, Puebla)
2. “Morrison Shelter” Used As Protection From Collapsing Homes during the Second World War. Year: March 1941
3. Philco Predicta Television (1950s)
4. ‘Delahaye 175s Roadster’, introduced at the Paris Motor Show (1949)
5. The World’s Oldest Surviving Diving Suit (1860)
6. Pocket Watch, Carved From A Single Colombian Emerald (At least 350 year old)
7. Kodak K-24 Camera used during WWII
8. “Telefontornet” Telephone Tower In Stockholm, Sweden (1890)
9. A Punt Gun Could Kill Over 50 Birds At Once. Banned In 1860s.
10. Two-Horn Listening Device At Bolling Field In Washington, D.c., Year: 1921.
11. Chester Mcduffee And His Ads Diving Suit
12. 5mb Hard Disk Drive (1956)
13. Bikes For Your Feet
14. Orgone Accumulator (1950s): Person sitting inside the device could attract Orgone, A Massless ‘Healing Energy’
15. The Hindenburg Takes Shape, 1932
16. Jay Ohrberg’s ‘Double Wide’ Limousine.
17. First Public Demonstration Of A Computer Mouse (1968)
18. TV Glasses (1960s)
19. Old Calculator
20. One-Wheel Motorcycle, Germany, 1925