May 14th, 2020 | Updated on June 28th, 2022
For a long time, higher education was considered to be a status indicator. The prestige of the diploma is still high, and future graduates are usually intimidated by the phrase “if you pass the exams badly, you will not enter the university”. However, is it really important, if you’re an applicant without a diploma?
Applicants without higher education face several problems:
- They are often dismissed simply by default (“We choose all those with higher education”);
- They’re shy about interviewing and cheating on their CV;
- They may lose out in competition with a candidate who has higher education.
Another option for the same problem is the lack of profile education. For example, yesterday’s designer decided to go into the IT field and started studying programming on his own, although he has never studied in a technical specialty.
Employers may well postpone CV only on the grounds that the person does not have the appropriate diploma.
There are positions for which specific and narrow professional skills are essential, but many applicants do not even get a chance to prove themselves.
What Does Higher Education Really Do?
Our research found out the following. Those who have completed higher education stress that they have improved their overall intellectual development during their studies – this was noted by 60% of respondents.
And those who have completed secondary vocational education say they have learned specific vocational skills first (65%).
According to today’s perceptions of the competencies required for successful work, both specific skills and meta-skills are important, which are usually referred to as “general development”.
Thus, both higher and specialized secondary education have their strengths. However, it is important to note that, apart from the options of “university or college”, there are many other options for learning.
So, Is There A Need For A Diploma?
High career lability is now becoming more and more popular tactics for professional development. Many professionals are changing careers fundamentally, learning, and discovering new areas.
At the same time, more opportunities for education and self-education are being provided, just check
An alternative to second and third higher education, which will take several years to get, may be open online courses, classes with tutors, and, of course, practice.
Ready-made projects are already an interesting topic for discussion at an interview.There is reason to believe that in the coming years the educational system will develop and become more complex, and the usual stages and statuses will lose their force.
However, it is already better for employers to pay attention to specific skills and talents, and for applicants to stock up on recommendations and ready-made projects that tell much more about success than grades in the diploma.
Have you ever faced strict selection by level of education?