
12 Best Lifestyle Apps For MAC Users

Lifestyle Apps For MAC

November 15th, 2017   |   Updated on June 29th, 2022

There’s no shortage of useful, interesting apps for the Mac, but some of them you just can’t live without. Buying a MacBook is like getting a ticket to a land of fantastic new software. In addition to all of the free apps that Apple gives to every Mac owner, both the Mac App Store and independent developers provide tools that make using your computer easier — and a little more fun.

We share a list of 12 little yet useful apps for your Lifestyle Apps For Mac user to help you increase your focus, manage your tasks, type faster and improve productivity.

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1. 4Peaks

4Peaks is a powerful, free software only available for Mac, that belongs to the category Science & Education with subcategory Health.


2. MeteoEarth

With the huge number of meteorological apps and websites around today, you may wonder what MeteoEarth has to offer, but this free app has plenty to recommended it. Providing glorious global, three-dimensional visualisations, this app is a cut above the average and uses high-quality graphics throughout to present the weather as you have never seen it before.


3. SousChef

SousChef is a beautifully presented application which looks great and should make you a better organized and creative, if not a better cook.


4. TrailRunner

Don’t be fooled by the name – TrailRunner caters for more than those who just fancy a jog with a difference. TrailRunner is well thought-out and crafted application for anyone who’s on the move whether hiking, running cycling or looking for directions.

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5. Optimism

Depression is a serious issue that all to often is not taken seriously enough or the sufferer simply does not how to handle it.


6. Organized Gourmet

If you have your recipes on your Mac and you love preparing meals you’ll really enjoy Organized Gourmet. Schedule your meals, prepare a grocery list of ingredients, select the best recipes and create delicous meals. Manage your recipe collection and scheduling meals


7. WeatherDock

WeatherDock is an excellent desktop companion to follow the weather. The application picks up the feeds from, which is widely considered as one of the best sources on the internet. You’ll not only get 10 day forecasts and 2 day part info but also precise information such as real and feels like temperature, sky conditions, pressure, wind speed, humidity and UV. One little info it lacks though is predicted accumulation. WeatherDock is an excellent weather notifier for Mac with four different display modes, which shows advanced conditions from


8. OsiriX

This program’s name will probably remind you of the Egyptian god of life, death and fertility, Osiris. In fact this application has something to do with all these matters, as it’s a medical tool to view scanned sections of the body.

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9. Essential Anatomy

The human body is fascinating and the Essential Anatomy series of apps are excellent 3D tools for educators, students and general medical enthusiasts to explore the body without actually butchering one to pieces.


10. Yummysoup!

Yummysoup! is a simple yet excellent recipe management application. Back in the day, everyone used to have a good old recipe book where they would write down their favorite recipes. Nowadays, the net makes it so much easier not only to find but also collect recipes from around the world. One of the great things with Yummysoup! is that actually comes with recipes, and I don’t mean a half dozen basic recipes, but rather a very large list of good, rich recipes, from cakes to main courses, appetizers or drinks. All recipes are organized in folders and you can create your own smart lists. The thumbnail view at the top is great to browse quickly through your ideas, or you can use the search function.
Yummysoup! best features though is its web importer. You can find any recipe online and easily import it into Yummysoup!, adding the image and organizing all the elements like ingredients, yield and directions. Yummysoup! also allows you to create your very own shopping list for each recipe.


11. MacGourmet

If you’re into cooking then MacGourmet is a great app for helping you create and edit recipes as well as make notes on your favorite foods. It includes features for taking wine and cooking notes as well as allowing you to easily browse your entire collection and make a truly customized cookbook. The developers like to call it “iTunes for Recipes” and you can see why in the way that MacGourmet brings an iTunes style look and feel to recipe writing and cataloging on the Mac.

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12. MacBreakZ

MacBreakZ is a sophisticated Personal Ergonomic Assistant designed to promote healthy and productive computer use. Computer-related health problems ranging from eyestrain, headaches, neck and backache to more serious Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), including carpal tunnel syndrome, writer’s cramp, tendonitis, etc. are the result of inappropriate computer use. MacBreakZ offers a unique way of acquiring ergonomic skills that can safe you a lot of discomfort and shield you from serious health and career-threatening disorders.