
6 Modern Essay Writing Tips That Actually Work

Modern Essay Writing Tips

March 25th, 2020   |   Updated on June 30th, 2022

Writing an essay often seems like a daunting task for most students. Whether the essay is for a contest, class, or scholarship, the majority of students often find the task overwhelming.

Essays writing has existed even before modern technology.

Surprisingly enough, it’s today that numerous arguments have emerged as to whether students should write essays at all.

Nowadays, we’ve got the internet, gadgets, and access to any information we want, but still have difficulty writing essays.

Below are the top seven essay writing process tips, given to you by ProfessionalEssayWriters company, and various modern tools to help you succeed.

1. Choose A Topic

Choose A Topic

In most cases, the essay topic will be assigned. However, if you are not assigned a topic, do not rush off to the next step because you are not ready yet.

Determine which essay type you’re supposed to be writing. Brainstorm various topics that interest you. After you have a pretty extensive list, go back, and examine the potential of each. If you need help with writing an essay for your college, visit Essay Coach for help.

Modern tools to take advantage of: If you’re struggling to think of topics, head to Google, and search for inspiration. Check out the most impressive blogs in the subject matter you’re considering. What are the most commented/ shared/ viewed articles?

2. Research The Topic

Conducting research shouldn’t be difficult if you’ve got a clear understanding of the topic. You will already have an idea of credible sources to get information. If you do not know where to begin, do not worry. There is a simple way to do that.

Modern tools to take advantage of: We all know the internet is an enormous source of info. Wading through all the information is sometimes overwhelming. Try limiting Google search results by using a modifier.

For instance, if you’re writing your essay on Gun control, you should type (“Gun control” in the search engine. This limits the results to websites that end with .edu – which are reserved for universities and colleges.

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3. Organize Your Thoughts

As you are conducting your research, it is advisable to organize it somehow. Otherwise, you will have various snip sets of copy and pasted information and a huge stack of random pages without any logical structure.

Modern tools to take advantage of: Microsoft OneNote has been referred by many as Microsoft’s most fabulous product. It comprises a drag and drops feature that makes outlining and organizing a breeze.

4. Compose Your Thesis Statement

Compose Your Thesis Statement

The thesis statement tells the reader what the essay is all about. It’ll also give the reader a hint as to what position you’re taking. It has two sections; the 1st part states the topic, and the 2nd part states the point. For example:

  • Gun control (topic) should be regulated by the states (point)
  • El Salvador’s culture (topic) has a rich history (point)

Modern tools to take advantage of: There are many thesis generators available online. These websites can help you create the most effective thesis for your topic. You can write a thesis for a convincing argument or a general thesis.

5. Essay Body Paragraphs

You will notice we skipped the introduction. Don’t worry. We will come back to it later. Start with the essay body.

This is where your topic is argued, described, and explained. Start with the main idea in the first paragraph. Each main idea must have its own section.

Modern tools to take advantage of: If at the earlier stages you decided not to take advantage of the various tools, now it might be the perfect time to give one a try.

Thesaurus app takes you from creating an outline, devising a thesis, and helps you at developing each paragraph.

6. Write The Introduction and Conclusion

When writing the introduction, you will be required to grab the reader’s attention. Share a surprising, verifiable, and an exciting piece of information.

Finish the introduction section with your thesis point. Regarding the conclusion, summarize your points and provide a few final thoughts.

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7. Edit


Now it is time to correct any grammar and punctuation errors. Go back and start proofreading your paragraphs. You may need to reshuffle them.

The strongest paragraph should be first, the weakest paragraphs in the middle, and your medium strongest paragraph to be last.

Modern Tools To Take Advantage Of: Do you struggle with grammar? Fortunately, there is an app for that. Grammarly covers everything from passive verbs and tenses to passive verbs and everything in between.

We hope that you have found these tips useful and that they will help you take your essay-writing techniques to the next level.

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