Marketing Tech

Website Pop-Up Sizes For Desktop & Mobile

Website Popup Sizes

Published on May 14th, 2022

Whether you are interested in the content, email marketing, or arranging a referral program, popup messages will become your best ally. There are multiple tools on the internet, including such reputable services as Claspo, that provide such features for e-commerce businesses.

The average design has to be appealing, colorful, and clean to be recognizable and considered a nice touch to the platform’s performance, rather than its annoying drawback.

One of the key features to consider when creating lightbox popups is their dimensions. Apart from selecting the right template, enthusiasts have to pay attention to how their visual product will be displayed. That’s why checking the differences between desktop and mobile layouts is so crucial. Let’s get straight into the topic!

Recommendations For Desktop Widget Sizes

A lot depends on what design you intend to implement in your domain:

  • There are minimalistic layouts that are displayed without overlaying important parts of the screen and have a smooth exit button (you can click on the exit or any area around to leave it). Their dimensions don’t usually exceed average sizes for lightbox popups — around five hundred by four hundred pixels.
  • There are so-called full-screen popping-up messages. Their size is enlarged accordingly.
  • Sidebar pop-ups don’t overlay the major part of the content and don’t mean to be bigger than three hundred and forty by two hundred pixels.
  • Of course, customers can come up with their own sizes that would match the style and branding of a target domain. Beginners can also apply the services of special tools, which are developed to automatically resize a chosen layout to suit any window.

Here are some samples of how different dimensions will actually look in practice:

  • On a standard window with a width of 1366 pixels and a height of 768 pixels, a lightbox of five hundred by four hundred pixels will occupy its center zone and be perfect for drawing visitors’ attention to a particular call of action — to subscribe, provide feedback, etc.
  • When it comes to fullscreen popups, designing a lightbox that will equal a standard window size isn’t appropriate. It has to be smaller. With the window size from a previous sample, a popup of nine hundred by six hundred and fifty pixels will be a good solution.
  • Sidebar popups don’t have to be too big to be noticeable. Their unique positioning already copes with this task. On a window of 1024 by 769 pixels, an additional layout of three hundred and seventy-fixe by two hundred and fifty pixels will suit.

Variants For Mobile Lightbox Popups

The advancement of technologies has led to the creation of multifunctional mobile gadgets with numerous screen options. Designing popups for your site’s mobile users, the best decision is to consider averagely medium dimensions:

  • One of the most typical choices is a popup with a width of three hundred and seventy-five pixels and a height of six hundred and sixty pixels.
  • Sidebar lightbox popups can also be used, but they are less typical because of the need to reduce the size of a layout that is originally smaller.

When it comes to mobile-friendly popups, the use of templates is appreciated. It will enable both newcomers and pundits to get the maximum efficiency of this project. Here are a few more suggestions to bear in mind:

  • Brevity and preciseness are your glorious partners. It is suggested to choose words carefully to make a call to action clear and direct.
  • Gamified popups can take place. They will be more efficient, rather than the use of image-rich sceneries.
  • It is a wonderful option to apply an exit-intent strategy for mobile users.
  • Sidebar popups or messages that are implemented in the website layout will suit better than full-screen lightboxes.
  • Many brands incorporate modified two-step popups. Unlike their traditional alternatives, you have to click them to expand the view.

When adjusting the operation of mobile-friendly messages, it is a nice solution to exclude return visitors from the list. This tactic will come in handy, allowing improving conversion without annoying users with constantly popping-up windows.

Wrap It Up

At the end of the day, modern rules of e-commerce practices require engaged parties to be quickly adapted to the change.

Regardless of what popup style you prepare, desktop or mobile, you will have to get acquainted with the operating system’s requirements as well. For instance, there is a special interstitials policy by Google to be aware of before proceeding with your marketing campaigns. Once you are forewarned, you are forearmed.

The best idea is to create separate layouts for desktop and mobile platforms. This approach lets enthusiasts satisfy UX reasons for different screen resolutions and remain versatile in lightbox designs. Large pictures that would be effective for desktop campaigns would be annoying for mobile users. Don’t hesitate to learn from others’ mistakes.

Feature Image Source: flickr